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Cinderella and the Prince Book Fairy Tales 2021

Once upon a time, has a man lived a very wealthy. He had a sweet and kind-hearted daughter. Since the man's wife had died, he married ag...

The Witch and Rapunzel Book Fairy Tales 2021

The Witch and Rapunzel Book Fairy Tales 2021

The Witch and Rapunzel Book Fairy Tales 2021

Once upon a time, in a small house there lived a young married couple. They were a very happy couple and were expecting a baby. 

“I know it’s important for our baby to be healthy, but I do hope we have a daughter, my love.!” The Wife said! 

“Yes, I would love to have a daughter, too. God willing, we’ll have a daughter that will look like you.!” The Husband replied! 

The day of the birth was getting closer, and the young mother excitedly awaited the birth of her baby. Every day, the mother would look out the window and over the high wall and admire her neighbor’s garden filled with flowers and fruits. One day, she noticed a yellow-leafed plant that she had never seen before. “I wonder what the name of that plant is? It smells wonderful. I’m sure it tastes amazing too! I have to eat that plant! I will go straight to my neighbor and ask her.!” The Wife said! Without wasting any time, the young mother left the house. But she had no idea that her next-door neighbor was a cruel witch. She knocked on the door unaware of the danger that awaited her. 

“Hello, neighbor! The yellow plant in your garden smells amazing. I’m pregnant and really craving it. Is it an edible plant?” The Wife said! 

“Of course, I can give you a little. It tastes incredible and it’s really good for humans.!” The Witch replied! 

“Then it’ll be good for my baby, too!” The Wife asked! 

“Of course, dear neighbor, especially for expecting mothers! But remember, because it’s so valuable, you may only take one! Hahahahaha! Everything is going just as I planned.!” The Witch replied and said! 

The young woman finished eating the piece she had taken as soon as she got home. But she wanted to eat more. 

“Bring me more! If I don’t eat it, I can’t have this baby.!” The Wife said! 

“Don’t worry, I’ll do everything I can to bring you more of that yellow plant.!” The Husband replied! 

As night fell and it got dark, the helpless husband climbed over the tall wall and took the plant that his wife wanted. This went on for some time. Every night, the young man secretly entered the garden. But he was uneasy about entering his neighbors garden without permission. The bad witch had actually grown this plant to set up a trap for them. She knew that her neighbor was expecting a baby and that she would definitely crave for this with its smell. She had her eye on the baby for a long time. She was going to take the baby one way or another. One evening, as the man entered the garden again, the witch caught him red-handed. She now had the appearance of a witch. She was very ugly and was extremely scary looking. The poor man was frightened: 

“Please forgive me... My wife is pregnant and she can’t stop eating this plant. I was forced to do this because you said ‘she could only take one. I know this is wrong but if she doesn’t eat it, I’m afraid that my wife will die. I’m in a very tough situation.!” The Husband said! 

“Hahahahahahaaa! I’ll accept your apology only with one condition. You must give me the baby that is to be born. If not, I’ll destroy all of you.!” The Witch replied! 

The man had to accept this condition. When the time of birth arrived, a beautiful baby girl was born. The witch went to their house immediately. 

“I will call her Rapunzel. You shall raise her until she turns one. In exactly one year I will come and take her from you.!” The Witch said! 

The helpless couple accepted. When Rapunzel turned one, the witch came and took the crying baby away from her mother and father and locked up the baby in a tower in the middle of the forest. She was going to raise the baby there. 

Many years passed ago; Rapunzel was now a beautiful young girl. As she had never cut her hair, it was several meters long. Her hair was golden blonde. She had deep green eyes. Whenever the witch went to the tower, she would call out to her; “My dear blonde-haired girl, I’m here! Let your hair down!” Rapunzel would throw her long braid down, and the witch would climb up to the tower using her hair. Rapunzel thought that the witch was her mother. As she had never seen anyone else other than the witch until now, Rapunzel thought that she and her mother were the only ones in this world. 

She had a wonderful voice. She sang all day long until nightfall. Her voice echoed across the forest and all the birds would fly to the window to listen to her. Birds were her only friends. One day, a prince was wandering around the forest. When he heard Rapunzel’s singing, he wondered where this marvelous sound was coming from. As he followed the direction of the sound, he approached the tower and realized the voice was coming from there. “I must meet the girl with this amazing voice. I wonder how can I go up this tower?” The Prince said! As he desperately walked round and round the tower, he suddenly saw a witch calling to the top of the tower. He hid behind a tree at once and watched. “My dear blonde-haired girl, I’m here! Let your hair down!” The called out Rapunzel let down her braided hair and the witch climbed up to the tower. “I found how to go up the tower!” The Prince said! Having waited for the witch to leave, the prince now called out to the tower impersonating the voice of the witch. “My girl... please let down your beautiful blonde hair again. I forgot something up there.!” The Prince said.! “I’m letting it down right away, Mother!” Rapunzel replied! With one swift move, she let down her hair again. The Prince climbed up the tower using her hair and met Rapunzel. It was the first time in her life that the beautiful girl was seeing another person. 

“Aaaa! Who are you? Why are you here? Where is my mother?” Rapunzel asked! 

“Please don’t be afraid. I’m the Prince of this country. Your wonderful voice bought me here. To come up here I had to impersonate your mother’s voice.!” The Prince replied! 

Rapunzel, who at first was very frightened, slowly realized that he wasn’t a bad person. The prince was already charmed by her beauty. Days and months passed by. The prince was coming to the tower every day. When they spent time together, they didn’t realize how fast the time passed. Then, he finally proposed to Rapunzel. 

“Rapunzel, I want to live with you for the rest of my life. Will you marry me?” The Prince asked! 

“Of course, I’ll marry you.!” Rapunzel replied! 

“I must now return to the palace. I will try to find a solution to get you out of here at once.!” The Prince said! 

Rapunzel was very excited that she would finally see the outside world once she married the Prince. She was so bored with living alone in the tower for all those years. He held Rapunzel’s hair and headed down the tower. Unfortunately, the witch was there too and saw the prince. She immediately understood what was going on. She raged with anger. As Rapunzel was pulling her hair back up again, the witch held on to it and climbed up. She was so annoyed and furious: 

“What’s going on? Who’s that just left? I’ve been hiding you up here to protect you from evil. But you, you’ve been talking to strangers and making friends with them.!” The Witch said! 

“He’s the Prince of this country. He’s asked for my hand in marriage and I accepted. I’m so happy, Mother! I was waiting for you to come to tell you all about it!” Rapunzel replied! 

“What! What nonsense is this! I’ll show you!” The Witch said! 

The witch was so angry that with a pair of scissors she cut Rapunzel’s long hair short as can be. And with her magic, she then sent her to a very far away country. When the prince arrived at the tower the next day, he had no idea that the witch was waiting for him in the tower: “Hi Rapunzel, I’m here. Let down your hair please!” The witch let down the long braid that she had cut from Rapunzel’s hair. When the prince reached the window of the tower, the witch was there to meet him. He was terrified the moment he saw her. 

“What a surprise ha! You thought you were going to be able to take my girl away whom I’ve hidden for years?” The Witch said! 

As the witch let go of the braid, the terrified prince found himself on the floor. He fell on top of the bushes, but since he hit his head he was blinded. Rapunzel was ever-present in the prince’s mind. So mounted on his horse, he searched for her everywhere. He swore that even if he had to go to the end of the world, he would find her. He searched and searched and searched for a very long time. 

Finally, one day he heard a song. The voice was familiar to him. Galloping on his horse, he headed straight towards the sweet voice. He came to the door of the house Rapunzel was staying in. 

“Rapunzel I’m here. Open the door!” The Prince said! 

“I can’t believe it. Is it really you?” Rapunzel said! 

As Rapunzel opened the door, she cried when she saw the prince. She cried so much that her tears fell on the prince’s face as he was kneeling. Her tears were miraculous joyful tears. Suddenly, the blind prince opened his eyes. They hugged each other joyfully and celebrated this miracle. The prince was finally able to propose officially. 

They returned to the palace and started preparing for the wedding. Upon their return, Rapunzel and the Prince looked for her real parents so they could share their news. They were incredibly happy to be reunited with their daughter after all these years. They had a beautiful wedding and they all lived happily ever after.


The Ugly Duckling Swan Book Fairy Tales 2021

The Ugly Duckling Swan Book Fairy Tales 2021

The Ugly Duckling Swan Book Fairy Tales 2021

Once upon a time, in a faraway country, a mother duck sat on her nest, patiently waiting for her six eggs to hatch. One day, she noticed that one of the eggs was bigger than the others. “I'm pretty sure that the duckling that comes out of this egg will be the most beautiful duckling that anyone has ever seen!” The Mother Duck said! Even though she convinced herself there was nothing wrong, the mother duck was still worried because this was the first time, she had seen such a big egg. Finally, the eggshells began to crack and one after another, the ducklings started coming out with joy as they were quacking. They all hatched but one! There was no movement in the big egg. “I guess it didn't get it warmed enough. Now I’m going to sit on it again to see if it hatches!” The Mother Duck said! 

The ducklings sat beside their mother as she sat on the nest warming the big egg. Finally, the egg hatched. Everyone was curiously watching it. They were surprised at what they saw: A gray-colored ugly duckling which looked nothing like his siblings. They were all staring at him. “Oh my! This duckling doesn't look like the others. The rest of my ducklings are so cute, why is he so different?” The mother duck she looks very sad. She consoles herself hoping that one day he might look like his siblings. But at the same time, she told herself that no matter what, he was her duckling too. 

Days passed and the ugly duckling was still the same. When they went for walks with their mother and wandered around, his siblings always left him behind. “What an ugly duckling you are! You don't look like us. Go away, we can't even play with you! We don't like you.!” The ugly duckling he was felt upset. He always walked with his head down, looking sad. 

One day, he went to the lake and as he cried, he talked to himself: “My mother is very sad and my siblings don't even want me. Why am I so ugly? I'm so lonely! Nobody loves me.!” As he looked into the water, he saw his reflection. “My siblings are right. I'm really a strange-looking duck. My mother hasn't even kissed me once! I can't live with them anymore.!” So, he decided to leave his family and went to the forest to start a new life by himself. He walked for a long time and went very far. From time to time, he would stop to rest under a tree. If he found a body of water, he would swim to continue on his journey. 

Days and months passed and the weather got colder. The ugly duckling was shivering and couldn't even find a decent meal. It also started snowing so much that the whole forest was now all white. He could barely walk. Luckily, that's when he spotted a farm. Excited, he went inside the coop, but the hens didn't want him either. He spotted a dog house on the farm. When he tried to go in, a huge dog confronted him. “Hey, where do you think you're going? This isn't your house! Who said that we are friends?” The Dog said! 

This time, the poor ugly duckling wanted to go inside the barn. “We sure don't want to see an ugly duckling like you among us. Your face is so ugly that we might stop producing milk altogether. Get out!” At that time, the owner of the farm was looking out the window. She felt sorry for the ugly duckling shivering and running from place to place, seeking shelter. The lady dried him, and wrapped him up with a clean towel, and brought him inside the house. She then placed him next to the fireplace so he could warm up. 

“Thank you for taking me in, ma'am!” The Ugly Duckling said! 

“You warm up now duckling. Let me bring some food for you.!” The Lady said! 

The lady also had a house cat; he was staring at the ugly duckling from afar. The cat got very jealous because his owner was now taking care of the duckling. While the ugly duckling was trying to warm up by the fireplace, the cat got close to him to taunt and scratch him. The poor ugly duckling had to endure the cat's taunting for a few days. He just wanted to rest and be able to eat something to regain his strength. After some time, the ugly duckling decided to leave. 

“Thank you for having me as your guest ma'am, but I need to go now. I do not wish to impose on you or cause any trouble.!” The Ugly Duckling said! 

The ugly duckling started his journey again. By then, the snow had melted and spring had come. On his way, he came across a little lake. He jumped in and as he happily swam, he saw his reflection in the water. “Oh, who's this? This is not me or, could it be? Last time I looked in the winter, I was an ugly-faced duckling!” The Ugly Duckling said! He flapped and flapped his wings, and when he saw his huge shadow in the water he shouted joyously. “Good heavens! How much I've grown and how handsome I've become. I wonder, how would my mother and siblings treat me if they saw me now?” The Ugly Duckling said! Suddenly, two swans that looked like him swam towards him. 

“Hi! Welcome to our lake. We're swans just like you. Are you lost? You can join us if you'd like. You're one of us.!” The Swan said! At last, the ugly duckling knew the truth! It turns out that his egg had accidentally rolled over to his mother's nest. So, he decided to stay with his own kind. He was very happy: He swam and swam in the calm waters of the lake, admiring his own beauty. However, no matter how happy he was, the ugly duckling couldn't forget his mother. As time passed by, he missed his mother and started thinking that he should have never left. “I was a swan egg that accidentally got mixed with my mother duck's eggs. My mother never separated me from the others and kept me warm so that I could hatch like my siblings. I owe her my life.! The Ugly Duckling said! The ugly duckling told the story to his swan friends. He thanked them for everything, said goodbye, and headed back to the farm where he was born. 

When he arrived, he ran to his mother and siblings. “Don't you recognize me? I'm the ugly duckling. Actually, I'm a swan. I turned into a handsome swan. How do I look?” The Ugly Duckling said! His mother was shocked but happy to see her son again. “Welcome back home! I was so worried about you. I am so sorry for all the pain we cause you, my son.!” The Mother Duck said! His siblings were so ashamed. They all jumped into the water joyfully. They swam in tandem with Mother duck at the front, followed by her five ducklings. And in the back, the beautiful white swan the Ugly Duckling… Swimming all together, they lived happily ever after.

Rapunzel and Emilia Book Fairy Tales 2021

Rapunzel and Emilia Book Fairy Tales 2021

Rapunzel and Emilia

Once upon a time, there was a girl named Rapunzel who lived in a small town. She had long blond hair and a beautiful smile; everyone that met her grew fond of her. Rapunzel was also a great actress. She would perform at local plays in town with her friend Emilia. Rapunzel was very talented and creative, so she became the town's favorite. Emilia was jealous, but she didn't show it. On a beautiful summer evening, the town square was teeming with people who came to watch Rapunzel on stage. Rapunzel was not only good at her role but was also enthralling; everyone listened to her attentively. That night, a very famous movie director was present among the spectators. He had heard about Rapunzel's talent, so he came to watch her. At the end of the play, the director went backstage. Emilia immediately recognized him, so she intercepted him. 

“Good evening. What is a famous movie director like you doing in our town?” Emilia asked! 

“I want to congratulate Rapunzel for her great performance!” The Director replied! 

“No need. She's just a plain actress pretending to act. If you're looking for a real actress, well, she's standing right before you!” Emilia replied! 

“One must be blind not to see how good of an actress Rapunzel is. I'm going to offer her a role in my new movie. Now if you'll excuse me…!” The Director replied! 

Emilia was angry so much with envy. She thought she was a better actress than Rapunzel, but the proof was in the people's reaction, which exasperated her. 

“Congratulations, Rapunzel! You were sensational! I didn't want you to be nervous during your performance.!” The Director said! 

“I'm honored that you wanted to see me perform.!” Rapunzel replied! 

“I'm directing a new movie. Would you like to be in it?” The Director said! 

Rapunzel nearly fainted when she heard this proposal. Rapunzel accepted the director's offer. Many people were proud of her when she rehearsed her role before going into the city for the shooting. Except for only Emilia “I'll do everything to make Rapunzel disappeared on movie show!”.

The day of parting arrived. “I'm going to miss you all. I wish Evilia was here so I could say goodbye to her, too. Where is she, anyway?” Rapunzel said! At that moment, Evilia was up to no good, as usual. They waited and waited… But the shuttle didn't show up. Rapunzel got anxious. “If the shuttle doesn't show up on time, I'll miss the flight!” Rapunzel said! It was then when they heard the running engine. The shuttle finally arrived in front of her. 

“I'm sorry I'm late. There were nails all over the road and I had to change four flat tires!” The Driver said! 

“Can we make it to the airport on time?” Rapunzel asked! 

“Don't you worry? If I have to, I'll even make the plane wait for our star!” The Driver replied! 

Rapunzel got on the shuttle and they drove at lightning speed. Rapunzel barely made it to her flight for Hollywood. On the plane, she studied the script for her role. Finally, Rapunzel arrived in Hollywood. She was amazed by luxurious shops on Rodeo Drive, beautiful mansions in Beverly Hills, expensive cars zooming by, and the famous TCL Chinese Theatre on the historic Hollywood Walk of Fame where famous actors have their names imprinted in stars. 

“Rapunzel, you made it!” The Director said! 

“I nearly missed the flight but here I am!” Rapunzel replied! 

“We've got a lot to do. We should start at once!” The Director said! 

Rapunzel and the director worked long hours. They would start early in the morning and work late into the night. Days passed. Rapunzel gained admiration and respect thanks to her discipline, talent, and love for acting. But she missed her town and her friends. They wrapped up filming and months later the movie was well-received. Rapunzel had suddenly become a world-renowned movie star. 

“I missed my town so much. Let me go for a few days!” Rapunzel said! 

“I understand, Rapunzel. But it's not possible. Everybody wants to meet you. You've received several movies offers. We've got so much work to do!” The Director replied! 

“I miss home. I miss everyone!” Rapunzel said! 

“After we've produced a few more movies!” The Director replied! 

Meanwhile, in town, Evilia wasn't interested in the theater any longer. The theatre building was in very poor condition Rapunzel took emails to update her on the latest events about hometown. She was very sad when saw this news. 

One day, a man junk dealer came into town. He saw the run-down theatre building. He realized he could use some of these parts for a good price. That’s Rapunzel building and a neighbor told him if would buy go to contact her friend Emilia.

“Excuse me, I'm looking for Emilia!” Junk Dealer asked! 

“I'm Emilia. What do you want?” Emilia replied! 

“I want to buy that theatre building. I can pay you a good amount of money!” Junk Dealer said! 

“A good amount of money?” Emilia replied! 

“All you need to do is say yes. I'll handle the rest!” Junk Dealer said! 

“I say yes, then!” Emilia replied! 

The next day the jungle dealer began dismantling the stage. The townspeople couldn't believe their eyes and approached the junk dealer. 

“Why are you dismantling our stage?” Townspeople said! 

“Stage? You call this wreck a stage?” Junk Dealer replied! 

“Wreck or not, you're demolishing the public property. Who gave you this right?” Townspeople asked! 

“I bought this place from Emilia. Go talk to her!” Junk Dealer replied! 

The town council members The Mayor went to Evilia immediately. Emilia was gossiping with her friends, laughing, and having fun as always. 

“Emilia! What's the meaning of this? Who said you can sell a public property? Who gave you the right?” The Mayor asked! 

“I think you've forgotten. Rapunzel left me in charge when she left!” Emilia replied! 

“She only left you in charge of the performances. You destroyed our theater. Call that man at once and call this off!” The Mayor asked!  

“Sorry, Mayor. There's no turning back now. He paid a lot of money, and with that money, I'm going to build a shopping mall in town.!” Emilia replied! 

The Mayor convened the townspeople to inform them of the situation. The Mayor called Rapunzel and told her about the situation. Rapunzel listened and she didn't want to let her friends down. She pondered the matter and decided to speak with the director. 

“My friends need me. I have to leave!” Rapunzel said! 

“I thought we had sorted this out, Rapunzel!” The Director replied! 

“Yes, but this is an emergency and I need to go!” Rapunzel replied! 

“You're just going to throw away fame and fortune to go back to that musty town?” The Director said! 

“That musty town is my home!” Rapunzel replied! 

“Your home now is the movie set. You can't just quit!” The Director replied! 

“So that's how it is?” Rapunzel replied! 

Meanwhile, the junk dealer brought a crane with a wrecking ball and bulldozers to demolish the theater building. “We should stop the demolition at all costs. How? I think I know how!” All the townspeople held hands and formed a circle around the theater building. Emilia and the junk dealer were surprised. 

“What are you doing? No point in resisting. Just let us do our jobs!” Junk Dealer said! 

“Never!” Townspeople replied! 

“This town is going to have a great shopping mall. Don't be so stubborn!” Emilia said! 

“We want the theater building, not a shopping mall. We won't step aside!” Townspeople said! 

At that point, a limousine pulled up in front of the theatre building. Golden hair swept the ground. Then, Rapunzel she got out of the limousine luxury car was more radiant than ever. She swung the briefcase and hurled it at the junk dealer. 

“I'm giving you twice the amount you'll earn from here. Take it and leave!” Rapunzel said! 

When the junk dealer saw the money, his eyes nearly popped out of their sockets. He took the briefcase and left. Emilia just watched the junk dealer disappear in the distance. The whole town welcomed Rapunzel with open arms. With the money she had earned, she had the theatre building and the stage rebuilt. She also helped those in need. She never returned to Hollywood, and she only performed for plays in her beloved town.


Aladdin and The Lamp Genie - Book Fairy Tales

Aladdin and The Lamp Genie - Book Fairy Tales

Aladdin and The Lamp Genie

Once upon a time, in a faraway land lived a boy named Aladdin. His father passed away when he was very young, so he was in charge now of supporting his mother. He would help people in the market and tried to earn some money to bring food home because they were very poor. But Aladdin was kind-hearted, so everyone loved him very much. 

One day on his way to the market, a well-dressed, evil-eyed man approached him. “Hello young man, I need to ask you for a favor. I dropped my ring into a small crevice just ahead. I can't get in; can you go in and get it for me?” Evil-Eyes said! Together they walked toward the crevice where the man had pointed out. Aladdin entered the hole. He barely went through the hole. Inside there was a small gas lamp that lit a cave; it was full of gold, money, and jewels. The Evil-Eyes said out from above. “If you found my ring, you'll also see an old lamp there next to it. I want you to bring me both of them!” Evil-Eyes said! Aladdin was shocked at the sight in the cave, so he got very suspicious that the man only wanted an old lamp and a ring while the place was filled with money and jewelry. When he came to the top of the hole, the evil-eyed man yelled at him. 

“Hurry...give me the lamp!” Evil-Eyes said! 

“No. I need to get out first.!” Aladdin replied! 

“If you don't do as I say, I'll leave you in there. Give me the lamp!” Evil-Eyes replied! 

“I said NO! Let me get out first!” Aladdin replied! 

The man got very angry and trapped Aladdin there. Aladdin didn't know what to do in the dark, so he took the lamp and put the ring on his finger. At that moment, green smoke came out and a genie appeared before him. Frightened, Aladdin hid right away. 

“Don't be afraid, Aladdin. I will do you a favor: I will grant you whatever you want. But you only have three wishes...!” The Lamp Genie said! 

“Please take me home.!” Aladdin replied! 

For the first wish from Aladdin. Suddenly, he found himself in his room. At that time, his mother who was also in the room asked… “Ohh...when did you come in?” Aladdin told his mother everything that had happened to him. Desperately sitting in a corner, Aladdin wanted to spend time clearing the lamp which was very dirty. He took the lamp in his hands and as he was rubbing it, all of a sudden, the lamp genie came out of the lamp. 

“Say what you wish of me!” The Lamp Genie said! 

“Oh, my goodness, who are you?” Aladdin asked! 

“I'm the lamp genie. You saved me from that sorcerer, so now your wish is my command. Say what you wish of me!” The Lamp Genie replied! 

“I want some food for my mother and I. Can you do this?” Aladdin replied! 

Suddenly, a table full of different kinds of food appeared. Aladdin and his mother ate until they were completely satisfied. From that day on, thanks to the magic lamp, a very rich and happy life awaited them.

And after what happened. Years passed by and Aladdin became a young man; he was at the marrying age.

“Mother, I would like to get married.!” Aladdin asked! 

“My dear son, I'm so happy. You'll have the most beautiful girl in the country and I know just who that is. The sultan has a beautiful daughter: her name is Jasmin. What do you say?” The Mother replied! 

Aladdin immediately appeared before the sultan with a small chest full of jewels and told him of his intention. 

“Dear Sultan, with your permission, I would like to marry your daughter.!” Aladdin asked! 

“It's not that easy. Will you be able to grant my requests?” The Sultan replied and asked!

“Whatever you ask, dear Sultan!” Aladdin replied! 

“Then listen to me well. You will bring 100 soldiers. These soldiers will protect my palace, but all of them should have solid gold hearts in their hands.!” The Sultan said! 

“Your wish is my command, dear Sultan!” Aladdin replied! 

Aladdin went back home and took care of this with the help of the lamp genie. The next day the sultan saw in his garden 100 soldiers carrying solid gold hearts in their hands. 

“Well, since you managed this, I would also like you to build a magnificent palace for my daughter. Only then, I will agree that you marry.!” The Sultan said! 

Aladdin immediately called the lamp genie. He gladly did whatever Aladdin asked for because he owed his freedom to him. Say what you wish of me! “I want a magnificent palace for the sultan's daughter!” Aladdin said! The lamp genie clapped his hands twice and a big palace appeared next to their house. Since all of the sultan's requests had been granted, he approved the marriage. They had a wedding ceremony that lasted forty days and forty nights. 

They soon moved into their palace and one day, a salesman was passing in front of the palace and said: “Old lamps...old lamps, I buy and sell...” The salesman, in fact, was the sorcerer Aladdin met when he was a child. He took the old lamp and gave a new one to Jasmin. The magic lamp was now his. In the evening when Aladdin returned home, he noticed that the palace was gone. He knew what happened. He put on the magic ring and called the giant. 

“Say what you wish of me, but you only have two wishes left.!” The Lamp Genie said! 

“Take me to Jasmin. Hurry up!” Aladdin said! 

All of a sudden, he was in the palace. When he went upstairs and peeked into the open door, he saw Jasmin serving the sorcerer and preparing the table. Aladdin got upset and waited for Jasmin to come to the kitchen. When she entered the kitchen and saw Aladdin, she was surprised. 

“Aladdin what's going on?” Jasmin asked! 

“Shhh! Be quiet and wait. I will save you!” Aladdin replied! 

Aladdin put the ring on his finger right away and the giant appeared before him. 

“You only have one wish left!” The Lamp Genie said! 

“Yes! I know. This is my last wish. Freeze the sorcerer and turn him into a sculpture!” Aladdin replied! 

“Alright, here you go! Suddenly, the sorcerer froze and turned into a sculpture. Aladdin had his lamp once again, so he called the lamp genie. 

“Say what you wish of me! But don't ever lose me again!” The Lamp Genie said! 

“Take us and our palace, to our old place. Also, send this evil man to a deserted island where he can't hurt anyone!” Aladdin said! 

The lamp genie clapped twice and the palace appeared next to their old house. Their mother was also with them. They told Jasmin everything. After that, Jasmin, Aladdin, and his mother lived a very rich and happy life together.

Find The Princess Book Fairy Tales 2021

Find The Princess Book Fairy Tales 2021

Find The Princess Book Fairy Tales 2021

Once upon a time, there was a country where everyone was very happy. All the young girls of the country admired the king and queen's handsome son. The young prince was tall, had green eyes and black hair, and was also kind-hearted. The king and queen had raised him very well. The prince had become a young man who was a skilled rider and a swordsman. He was an avid reader and an excellent piano player. Yet, since he was a stickler, he was unable to cherish or wed anybody.

“Mother, the young lady I wed should be a genuine princess. She needs to be sensitive, polite, and have proper manners. She should be an excellent all-around. She has to have a melodious voice so she can accompany me while I play the piano!” The Prince said! 

“Indeed. She must also be someone who thinks of the interests of her country, who helps everyone, and acts fairly!” The Queen replied! 

“You're the right mother. She should also love animals and protect them too!” The Prince replied back! 

Since there was no princess with these characteristics in their country, the young prince decided to seek his princess in other countries. The princess he met in the first country he visited was a very beautiful girl. But one day as they strolled in the garden, they saw a little puppy sitting under the tree. The princess suddenly started screaming. And she said “UGH! Take this dirty animal and throw it out. I don't want to see it in my garden.” Her voice was so harsh and scary that the guards rushed and followed her orders. “No, This behavior is unacceptable. I cannot marry someone this cruel.” The Prince said! He politely bid her farewell and headed to another country. 

After a long journey, he wanted to rest in the guesthouse of the palace before meeting the princess. Suddenly, a horrible voice woke him up, but he couldn't tell where it was coming from. “Hey… Servents, I'm telling you... where is my cake? You need to be quicker. Bring my cake now!” after the sound, The Prince, he followed the sound and peeked from behind the door of the room. A princess sitting at the head of the dining table that was filled with sweets and desserts was yelling at the servants around her while she ate voraciously. When the prince saw this scene, he left the palace before meeting the princess. He thought that he could never marry someone who mistreats those who serve them. He headed to the third country to try his luck for the last time. 

When he met the third princess he really liked her. After some time passed and he got to know her, he realized that this princess was also not the girl he was looking for. She would always brag about herself and talk incessantly. “My father is a very powerful king! Even if they give me the whole world, I would want more. I'm also a very beautiful princess. I want to sit on my throne and have everyone around me to be my slave.!” The Princess said! The prince got very upset when he heard these words. This beautiful girl can't be my princess either. The girl I marry shouldn't be so arrogant. She should be humble and not materialistic. The Prince said!

In sadness, he returned to his country. His mother saw how unhappy her son was and tried to comfort him. “Don't be so upset my son. One day you're going to find the girl of your dreams.!” The Queen said! One night, in terrible stormy weather, someone knocked on the palace's door. The butler who opened the door was very surprised to see such a beautiful girl in this storm. 

“Hello, I'm the princess of the neighboring country and this is my servant. The wheel of our carriage broke. Can we be your guests and can we keep our horses safe until our carriage is repaired?” The Princess said! 

They immediately reported to the king. Of course, the king agreed to have them as his guests, given such severe weather conditions. The princess was soaked and was shivering. But even so, the queen liked the princess. 

“Please sit near the fireplace. I'll get you some dry garments. You should eat something and rest a little. I'm sure everything will be better when you wake up.!” The Queen said! 

The princess changed her clothes and went downstairs to have something to eat. The prince heard what had happened and wanted to meet the guests. 

“It is unfortunate that you had to endure such circumstances. Kindly make yourself agreeable. You can stay here as long as you please.!” The Prince said! 

“Thank you very much, dear Prince. I do have a request. My ponies ought to be very much dealt with. They've been miserable in this weather. Oh, and my servant should sleep well. Poor thing, he tried so hard to fix the carriage. I wouldn't want him to get sick.!” The Princess replied and asked! 

“Don't worry, your requests shall be granted. You should rest now.!” The Prince replied! 

The prince who really liked the princess whispered in his mother's ear. “Mother, could she be the princess we have been waiting for? I wonder if the things she has told us are true. She is as kind as she is beautiful.!” The Prince said! “Perhaps my son, but let's see if she's a real princess. We'll see tonight.!” The Queen said! The queen quickly devised a plan and she had seven mattresses put on top of each other where the princess was to sleep in. And they put a pea on the bottom of the mattresses. 

“Yes, Your room is ready, Princess. You can rest now.!” The Queen said! 

“Thank you very much, your highness. Good night!” The Princess replied! 

In the morning while having breakfast, the queen started a conversation with the princess. 

“Good morning, Princess. Did you sleep well?” The Queen asked! 

“Although the bed seemed comfortable, it felt as if I had a huge rock under my back. Unfortunately, I couldn't sleep at all!” The Princess replied! 

Upon hearing this, the queen signaled to the prince in approval, without the princess noticing. After breakfast, the prince and princess went for a stroll in the garden. The princess told him about her country and her family. She had wonderful plans for her country. While strolling the garden, they saw a kitten. The princess affectionately picked it up and put it in a safe place. When they entered the palace, the prince started playing the piano, the princess accompanied him. Her voice was so melodious that everyone in the palace listened with admiration. The prince who had liked the princess from the moment he saw her thought that he had found the princess of his dreams. 

After a couple of days, it was time for the princess to return to her country. 

“My Prince, I am very thank you for everything! You've been a great host to me, my servant, and my horses as well, but I must go back to my country.!” The Princess said! 

The young prince didn't want her to leave. He was sure that she was the girl he had been looking for and so he shared with the queen and king that he was thinking of marrying her. 

“Mother...Father, I think, This girl is a real princess! She doesn't give orders and asks politely from her servents and also thanks to them. She loves all creatures, she's polite, good-hearted, and smart. I'm sure she's the one!” The Prince said! 

“OK son, whenever you like, we will go to her country and ask her father the king for his permission for marriage.!” The King replied! 

The prince who got approval from the king and queen asked the princess for her hand in marriage. Actually, the princess also liked the prince the moment she met him. Her love grew as they spent time together. So, when the prince proposed and gave her a ring, the princess happily accepted. And after that day, the prince and the princess lived happily ever after.


Beauty and The Beast Book Fairy Tales 2021

Beauty and The Beast Book Fairy Tales 2021

Beauty and The Beast

Once upon a time, there lived a rich merchant that he didn’t even know how much money he had. This merchant had three daughters. Two of them were selfish, lazy, and unkind, but the third one was incredibly polite, generous, and loving. With her flowing brown hair and big green eyes, she was both beautiful and of good character so her father simply called her ‘Beauty’. Beauty never wanted to upset her father. Her sisters, on the other hand, only thought of money, dresses, and jewels. This is why their father loved Beauty the most. 

One evening, Beauty dreamed of a tall, handsome, dark-haired prince. In her dream, she was wearing a marvelous dress while dancing with the prince. At the end of their dance, the prince gifted her a rose. When she woke up, she was still smiling and dancing with the effect of her dream. Her sisters watched in shock, filled with jealousy. 

Days went by, and one day, Beauty’s father received terrible news. A powerful storm had destroyed all of the merchant’s ships; they had all sunk and he had lost all his wealth! 

“We’ve lost everything, girls! The only thing we have left is this house. I’m very sorry!” The Merchant said! 

“Don’t be sad Father; nothing really matters as long as we’re all together. I’m going to pray every day for you to smile again and for your luck to turn. I hope that sometime soon we will be rich again.!” Beauty replied! 

Not long after, they received the good news that one of their ships hadn’t sunk. Upon hearing this news, their father with joy headed to the port. 

“We’re probably saved now. We are rich again! After I sell all the merchandise, what would you like me to bring you?” The Merchant said! 

“My dear father, just come back to us safe and sound. I don’t want anything, but if you can bring me a red rose, I’d be very happy.!” Beauty replied! 

The merchant bid his girls farewell and went to the port. But when he arrived, he couldn’t believe his eyes. The ship was destroyed, and all the merchandise had fallen into the sea and was lost. So, nothing had changed; they were still poor. Sadly, on his way back home, without realizing, he entered the forest. For some time, he tried to find the road, but at this point, he and his horse were both very tired. Suddenly, he spotted a light in the distance. It was getting dark, so he hurried and headed towards the light. 

A magnificent palace appeared before him. It was a palace with lights all around it and a huge garden. The palace had a mysterious feel. When the merchant arrived at the garden gates, they opened spontaneously. Going through a path with lots of trees he reached the door of the palace which also opened spontaneously. Though the merchant didn’t understand what was going on, he went inside and said “Good evening, is anyone here?” He walked past the huge living room and other rooms, asking if anyone was home. He suddenly found himself before a table full of different types of food, desserts, and fruits. Since he was very hungry, he sat down and ate until he was full. Wandering in all around the alluring rooms of the palace, he looked for a place to sleep. He found a beautiful bedroom on the top floor. He layed down on the bed and fell asleep. 

The next day when he went downstairs, this time he saw that a beautiful large breakfast table had been set for him. He went out to the garden and just as he approached the gates, he saw a beautiful red rose. Beauty will love it. He picked the rose. At the same time, he heard a noise behind him. When he turned around, there was a monster! It was a scary monster with black hairy hands, a huge mouth, and eyes and sharp teeth! 

“I did everything to make your stay comfortable. Aren’t you ashamed of picking that flower without permission?” The Beast Monster said! 

“I’m sorry sir; my intentions weren’t bad. I have three girls; one of them asked me to bring back a rose for her. I picked it for my daughter. Please forgive me.!” The Merchant replied! 

“So you have three daughters then!” The Beast Monster asked!

“Yes, Sir!” The Merchant replied! 

“Well, I will only forgive you on one condition. One of your daughters must come and stay with me willingly. If no one comes, I will punish you very badly. Here, I’m giving you my fastest horse. I expect both of you within a week. If not, you will pay the price for your insolence!” The Beast Monster said! 

The merchant, wanting so desperately to stay alive, climbed on the horse and went straight home. He explained to his daughters everything that had happened. 

“Which one of you will come with me there?” The Merchant asked! 

“I can’t live with a monster. Beauty is the one to be blamed. She should go. Yes, it’s her fault that dad encountered this monster. She should go!” Two Sisters replied! 

“Okay, okay! Father, don’t be upset. I’ll go willingly and I will save you!” Beauty replied! 

“My beautiful girl, you’re going because of me. I’m so sorry!” The Merchant said! 

“Don’t be sad, Father; everything will be fine!” Beauty replied! 

When they arrived at the palace, everything was the same as before. A fire was burning in the fireplace, the table was full of food, and bright lights were lit everywhere. Since they were both hungry from the long journey, they sat at the table and had dinner. Not long after that, the monster headed downstairs. 

“Good evening and welcome. My name is Beast. Will you stay here with me?” The Beast asked!

“Yes, Sir. I wanted that rose. It’s not my father’s fault. He only wanted to bring me a gift!” Beauty replied! 

“Then your father will leave tomorrow, and you will stay here and be my friend!” The Beast said! 

The next day Beauty’s father left. Waving, she bid her father farewell from the garden gates. Days went by, but she was incredibly sad. She cried every day. One night, as she was crying, “What will I do with the Beast? How will I get used to this?” He appeared before her. 

“Good evening. How are you? Is your room comfortable? Do you need anything? Your wish is my command. By you coming here at your own will has made me incredibly happy. If only you like me a little. Is it because I’m ugly?” The Beast said! 

“I don’t like you, but I’ve gotten used to you!” Beauty replied! 

“Just wait and see. One day I’ll make you like me; you won’t see the ugliness of my face, but you’ll see the kindness of my heart. That’s what’s important!” The Beast replied! 

They were actually becoming quite good friends. They played the piano together and sang songs; they wandered around the garden and fed the birds. Beauty realized that Beast wasn’t as ugly as she thought he was. In fact, she had started to like him. One night, she dreamed of her father and saw he had become really ill. The next morning Beauty said:

“Good morning, Last night I saw my father in my dream. He was very ill. Please let me go visit my father for a week; I’ve missed him so much! Will you let me?” Beauty said and asked! 

“Okay then. Exactly one week. If you go over one week and not come back, I will die here. Don’t forget that!” The Beast replied! 

“I promise. I will see him and come right back!” Beauty replied! 

“Then let’s put this magical heart-shaped medallion on your neck. If you make a wish while holding it tightly, it will come true!” The Beast said! 

She arrived at her father’s house. Her father was so pleased to see her that he started feeling better almost immediately. Her sisters didn’t understand what just happened and how she just suddenly arrived. They were still jealous of Beauty. Beauty told her father everything. That she was now happy and that he shouldn’t be sad anymore. She stayed a week at her father’s house, without realizing how time passed by. 

One day, she saw Beast in her dream lying on the floor. Thinking that he had died, she became incredibly frightened. It dawned on her that she was late by one day. She felt guilty because she hadn’t kept her promise. 

“He told me that if I stayed over a week that he would die. What selfishness this is! If something happened to him because of me, I will never be able to forgive myself!” Beauty said! 

She immediately bid her father and sisters farewell, took the medallion in her hand, holding it tightly kissed it, and made her wish. She found herself in Beast’s palace. Beast was on the floor with his eyes closed. Helpless Beauty had no idea what to do. Beauty, thinking that she had lost Beast, kept on crying. Suddenly, Beast opened his eyes. 

“I finally realized how much I love you!” Beauty said! 

“Can you really love someone as ugly as me?” The Beast replied! 

“Of course! I will never part with you again!” Beauty replied! 

“Then, will you marry me?” The Beast asked!

“Yes! Yes!” Beauty replied! 

Suddenly with a blinding light, Beast’s face started to change. A handsome prince took his place. He was tall with thick dark hair. 

“Ohhhh… you’re the prince that I was dancing within my dream!” Beauty asked! 

“Yes…. An evil witch turned me into The Beast. The only way for the spell to be broken was if a girl accepted my hand in marriage despite my ugliness. Thank you for saving me, Beauty!” The Beast replied! 

Not long after that, the prince and Beauty got married. They brought her merchant father and her sisters to the palace as well. They were lived happily ever after... This was a victory, of inner Beauty.

Mason and Demon - Book Fairy Tale 2021

Mason and Demon - Book Fairy Tale 2021

Mason and Demon - Book Fairy Tale 2021

Once upon a time, there was a merchant who was on his business trip across the sea. Suddenly a big storm came and the ship sank. It was the shipment that he had to invest a lot of money in. He lost everything because of the storm, thankfully he was still alive. Suddenly, has a demon that was appeared in front of him and said.

“Hello! Why do you look so sad?” Demon asked!

“Well, I just lost all my money after a big storm. I have a little son at home, now I don’t know how to support him!” Merchant replied!

“Don’t worry! I will help you become a hundred times richer. In return, you must promise to give me the first that holds your leg when you are home. After 12 years, I will come to get it. Okay?” Demon said!

“The first thing to hold my leg will definitely be my little dog. A dog for a fortune, that’s too good!” Merchant thinking!

He quickly agreed with the demon’s suggestion. He did not know that the storm was caused by a demon because it wanted to take advantage of him. Unexpectedly, when he arrived home, the first one who welcomed him was his son. The father was shocked and regretted that he was too greedy and did not think straight. He was very worried. He went to the attic to see his chests and saw that all of them were full of gold and silver. The merchant became richer than ever. However, he was always worried that one day, he would have to repay the demon with his own son.

As time passed by, his son Mason became a handsome, intelligent, and courageous man. However, during the past 12 years, Mason had always been confused to see his father sad and anxious, especially every time his father looked at him. He always wondered what had happened to his father. One night, while sleeping, Mason met a fairy in his dream. She told Mason the story of his father 12 years ago.

“It was a demon who created the storm, causing your father to become miserable. After that, he deceived your father with an attractive offer, and your father was tricked.!” The Fairy said!

“So, ma’am, what can I do to help my father and get rid of that demon?” Mason asked!

“Don’t worry, son. Follow my instructions, then you will gain happiness. But you have to go through some challenges!” The Fairy replied!

The fairy showed Mason how he would be able to escape from the demon. Mason went to meet his father and the father told him about 12 years ago story, but after hearing that, Mason didn’t blame his father at all.

The day had finally come, and the father took Mason to meet the demon. Mason drew a big circle around his father and they stood inside to wait for the demon. After a while, the demon appeared and said.

“Old man, I come to take what you promised me 12 years ago. Give me your son!” Demon said!

“No! He is my only son; I cannot give him to you. Can I just give you back all the gold I borrowed?” The Merchant replied!

“You’re a liar, you want to break your promise? I will only take your son!” Demon replied!

The angry demon quickly ran to them to catch Mason. But he could not enter the circle, no matter how hard he tried.

“Ah! Why can’t I get through this circle?” Demon asked!

“Dude, you won’t be able to touch me if I’m still in this circle. It would be better if you forget about the promise, and receive your gold back!” Mason replied!

“I don’t need gold. If you want me to spare you, you have to get on a boat and sail away. If you’re lucky to be alive, I promise I let you go!” The demon replied and said!

Mason agreed to follow the demon’s order. He sat on a small wooden boat and was pushed out to sea by his father. The demon cast a spell to make Mason’s boat sink, and he drowned. The father was devastated, he asked many people to go and look for his son, but no one could find him. The demon was thought that Mason dead and left away and not coming back again. Fortunately, the moment the waves carried Mason to near his father's legs and they hugged each other and happily ever together again.


Kong Hean - Book Fairy Tale

Kong Hean - Book Fairy Tale

Kong Hean

Once upon a time, there was a man named Kong who had two wives names Neang Am and Neang Kom. One day, Kong and his two wives went to visit relatives at a village in the remote area. Along the way, there was a vicious tiger, Kong accompanied his wives to a dense forest where the tiger always chased the people and animals to eat. 

When they arrived there, the tiger came out of the forest and roared from the distance towards them. Kong, not knowing where to flee from the tiger, Kong ran into a wood cave, urinating and shaking with fear Neang Am and Neang Kom cooperated to hit the tiger until it was dead. Seeing the tiger die, Kong hurriedly came out of the wood cave and further hit the dead tiger with a wooden stick, his two wives blamed him and said “The tiger was killed, there is no need to hit it more; what a coward man you are!” Kong Shouted at his wives, “No woman dares to tiger, the only man is strong enough to kill it!”. Then, Kong pulled outlines to tie the tiger and carried it into the village. 

When the dead tiger was carried into the village, all the villagers came to see it and asked, “How did you kill this tiger, because it was very cruel and ate countless people, cows, and buffaloes?” Kong’s wives replied “When our husband, Kong, saw the tiger run to us, he hides in the wood cave, while we were joined together to beat to death!” he shouted at them by: “No woman dared to kill the tiger, the only man is strong enough to kill it! When the tiger sprang over me, I used my methods of fighting so that I could hit it!” Kong boasted to the villagers while showing them the martial arts. Every one of the villagers was very proud of Kong, so he was named Kong Hean. 

Kong Hean was very famous in that village. His fame spread out to the King and Kong Hean was invites to serve the army. A little later, there was a war to fight against the invasion of the enemy. The King ordered Kong Hean to fight with the enemies. When the royal order was given to Kong Hean, he was very frightened and did not know how to escape from this fighting because it was the king’s order, and tried and hopelessly. 

His both wives when they entered and asked: “What is the matter that makes you lie helplessly?” Kong Hean told his wives “Because the king ordered me to make war now, and I am scared with this battle, I don’t know what to do!”. His wives replied, “Don’t worry, my dear! Give us his responsibility and get up to have meal happily and take a bath nicely!”. 

After preparing and it was a good time for Kong Hean to salute the king for the battlefield and request to take his wives with him. Kong Hean sat on the head of the elephant while his wives, at the back behind him, escorted by many soldiers before and after his elephant as the parade of the armies along the road. 

When the parade was getting nearer the enemies, Kong Hean was frightened nearly to die, excreting and urinating, and was shivering with fear as if someone shook the elephant's head. Supposing that Kong Hean was shaking it to go toward the enemies, the elephant ran ahead of soldiers and no one could follow it. When the enemies saw Kong Hean galloping the elephant, they thought that he was a strong commander, so they were nervous and defeated ran for their life. Kong Hean saw that the enemies were defeated and ran away, he was very proud and boasted at the facials. The officials when they saw Kong Hean excrete and urinate so badly, they asked: “Mr. Commander, why did you excrete in faces and urinate?”. Kong Hean immediately replied: “If we went to excrete and urinate while fighting in the battle. the enemies may come and kill us!”. When the officials and soldiers heard that, some, intelligent, knew that Kong Hean was afraid of the enemies, and some, not so clever were very proud of Kong Hean. 

Kong Hean, after winning the battle and returned to the kingdom. As the king knew that Kong Hean defeated the enemies, he was very happy and appointed Kong Hean a high-ranking official. Since then, Kong Hean was even more boastful. 

Later, there was a cruel crocodile that usually ate people and merchants who operated the business by the waterway. People were very afraid of it no one dared to go into the water or to get on the boat there. When the king knew this, he ordered Kong Hean to catch the crocodile. Kong Hean having heard this order, he felt very nervous but dare not refuse it, so he accepted to the order. 

When he got home, Kong Hean told his wives “My dear, now the king gave me an order to catch the very cruel crocodile in the water, this time I cannot escape from death as the crocodile will bite me to death. Previously, it was better to see on the land, but this time it is in the water, how can I come back alive. It was the king’s order how can I deny? Thus, I’ll go and jump into for the crocodile’s food at once!” Then, Kong Hean pretendedly called for his children and nephews to catch the crocodile. When everyone knew that Kong Hean went to catch the crocodile, they crowded went to see him. 

When Kong Hean reached the harbor, he saw the crocodile swimming close to the shore and right to a place where there were two trees growing next to one another with a crotch. Kong Hean jumped into the water there intending to allow the crocodile to eat him. But, when the crocodile heard the sound of jumping into the water, it was startled and then jumped up into the crotch in the middle of its body and could not forward or backward. Kong Hean, who dived into the water, rose up seeing the crocodile was sticking up in the crotch of the trees, he called for his relatives raise the spears and trust the crocodile to death. People there, supposing that Kong Hean caught the crocodile and threw it up the trees, were very fearful of him. 

When he saw that crocodile was killed, Kong Hean was an event more boastful and told the king that he caught the crocodile and threw it up on the land. The King, then was much happier and appointed Kong Hean a higher-ranking official, and provided him with power as well as many rewards.

Snow White and Seven Dwarfs - Book Fairy Tale

Snow White and Seven Dwarfs - Book Fairy Tale

Snow White and Seven Dwarfs - Book Fairy Tale

 Long, long ago, there lived a beautiful queen whose greatest wish was to have a daughter. 

“I wish that I would have a child as a girl with skin as white as snow! With lips as red as a rose, and hair as black as coal.!” Queen said! 

It wasn’t long before the queen’s wish came true. She gave birth to a beautiful little girl named Snow White! But sadly, the queen became very sick and died when Snow White was very little. Snow White’s father, the king, eventually remarried. His new wife, the new queen, came to live with him and Snow White in the castle. His new wife was a very beautiful woman. But she was a proud and cruel woman. In her room, she had a magical, talking mirror, and every morning, she would stand before it and ask the same question. 

“Magical mirror on the wall! Tell me! Who’s most beautiful in the kingdom?” The Wicked Queen asked! 

The magical mirror would always speak the truth and tell the queen that she was the most beautiful in the kingdom. 

“You, my queen. You are the most beautiful in the kingdom.!” Magic Mirror replied! 

The queen was always pleased with the magical mirror’s answer because she knew that the mirror could never tell a lie. The years passed and Snow White grew to be a beautiful young woman. Everyone admired Snow White’s beauty. Her skin was very beautiful as white as snow. Her lips as red as a rose, and her hair as black as coal. Just as her mother had wished for. A morning, the wicked queen stand in front of the mirror and asked again. 

“Magical Mirror on the wall! Tell me! Who is the most beautiful in the kingdom?” The Wicked Queen asked! 

To the wicked queen’s great shock, the magical mirror had a different answer for her that day. 

“Snow White! Snow White, Snow White is the most beautiful in the kingdom!” Magic Mirror replied! 

The wicked queen knew that the magical mirror only spoke the truth and she grew very envious of Snow White. So, one day, when the king was away, the wicked queen called a hunter to her chambers. 

“You will take Snow White to the forest, and get rid of her. And bring back a lock of her hair for me.!” The Wicked Queen said! 

The hunter took Snow White to the forest where they came to a cliff. He prepared to push Snow white off the cliff. But when he saw how loving she was, he stopped himself. 

“Princess Snow White, your stepmother, the wicked queen has asked me to get rid of you and I don’t want to hurt you. You must stay in the forest and never return to the kingdom.” The Hunter said!

After said then the hunter left Snow White in the forest. But he made sure to cut a lock of her hair first. The hunter returned to the castle and presented the lock of hair to the wicked queen. 

“HaHa! Snow White is gone! And I am the most beautiful once again!” The Wicked Queen said! 

Wandering through the forest, Snow White came upon a tiny cottage near some mountains. She entered the cottage and found a delicious meal laid out on the table. 

“Seven little plates! They are full of delicious food!” Snow White said! 

Snow White was so hungry that she ate all the food. She then went to rest in the bedroom. 

“Oh! There are seven little beds here. There must be seven children living in this house! I think I’ll take a nap until they come back.! Snow White said!

Quite exhausted, Snow White fell fast asleep. Little Snow White didn’t know the house has belonged to seven dwarfs. They were miners who worked in the mountains, and when they returned in the evening, they realized that someone was in their house. 

“Someone’s eaten our food! Someone’s sleeping on our beds!” Seven Dwarfs said! 

Snow White heard the dwarfs and woke up. She told them who she was and what had happened. 

“My stepmother will kill me if I go back to the castle.” Snow White said! 

“You can stay with us! But you must be careful while we are away. And not let anyone enter the house. For it could be your stepmother trying to harm you again.!” Seven Dwarfs replied! 

They were very kind to her, and she felt quite safe and happy with them. Since the hunter had given the wicked queen the lock of hair, she believed that Snow White was dead. So, she was very surprised when she went to the magical mirror again. 

“Magical Mirror on the wall! Tell me! Who is the most beautiful in the kingdom?” The Wicked Queen asked! 

“Snow White! Snow White is the most beautiful!” Magic Mirror replied! 

“But Snow White is dead!” The Wicked Queen said! 

The wicked queen was couldn’t believe her eyes when the magical mirror showed her that Snow White was still alive. The wicked queen was so angry that she decided to get rid of Snow White herself. The wicked queen first disguised herself as an old beggar. She then took a poisoned apple and went to the dwarfs’ house. Snow White was all alone when the wicked queen came to the house. 

“Hello? Is anyone home? I'm a poor old woman and I'm feeling very cold. Can I come in for a little while?” The Wicked Queen said! 

“You poor thing. Please come in.!” Snow White said!

“You are very kind. Please accept this apple as a token of my thanks, my love.!” The Wicked Queen said!

“Thank you!” Snow White replied! 

“Please, take a bite of the apple, love. And tell me how you like it.!” The Wicked Queen said!  

Snow White did not recognize the wicked queen. And so, she innocently took a big bite of the apple. The poison in the apple put Snow White into a deep, deep sleep. 

“HAHA! Now I am again the fairest of them all!” The Wicked Queen said!  

When the dwarfs returned, they saw Snow White lying cold and still. 

“Oh no! Something has happened to Snow White! Look! There’s an apple here. Oh no! The wicked queen must have been here! The apple looks like it has been poisoned. I hope it doesn’t kill her.!” Seven Dwarfs said! 

The poor dwarfs couldn’t stop crying. They carried Snow White to the top of the mountain and waited by her side. Sometime later, a kind and handsome prince came by. He saw Snow White and was taken aback by her beauty. 

“What a beautiful young lady! But why is she looking so pale and cold?” The Prince said! 

The warmth from the prince's heart woke Snow White up. The Prince and the seven dwarfs were very happy to see Snow White wake up. They took very good care of her and nursed her back to health. To everyone’s great happiness, the prince then asked Snow White to marry him. 

“Princess Snow White, will you be my wife?” The Prince asked! 

“Yes!” Snow White replied! 

When the wicked queen heard that Snow White was still alive, she plotted to harm her again. But the prince and the seven dwarfs were ready. Before she could act, they replaced the wicked queen's shoes with a magical pair that never stopped walking. 

“Huh? Why can’t I stop walking? Where am I going?” The Wicked Queen said!  

Snow White and the prince then lived happily ever after. 


Cinderella and The Stepmother - Book Fairy Tale

Cinderella and The Stepmother - Book Fairy Tale

Cinderella and The Stepmother

Once upon a time, there was a happy couple with a daughter that they loved very much. They lived in a beautiful manner with many wonderful things. They were kind people especially the daughter who loved to play with the mice and pigeons that lived in the garden. One day, the girl's mother became very sick and the daughter and husband worried that she would not recover and unfortunately not long after the mother passed away. A few years passed, and the father decided to marry a second time and his new wife was selfish and cruel. She came to live in the beautiful manor with her two daughters’ names “Anastasia” and “Drusilla” who were vain greedy and secretly picked their noses jealous of her husband's kind and gentle daughter the stepsisters made her wear a simple peasant’s dress and had her work night and day to keep the manor in hip-hop shape. The stepsisters mocked her. 

“You always look like you're covered in ash! We'll call you Cinderella.!” Steps Sister said!

One morning, an invitation arrived from the palace, the King announced that he would be holding a ball for his son the Prince to find a wife. The King invited every maiden to attend the grand ball hoping that his son would find someone to love. The stepsisters were very excited by the possibility of becoming the princess bride they ordered Cinderella to make them the most beautiful at the ball. Once the stepsisters were ready for the ball Cinderella gathered up the courage to ask her stepmother “Can I go to the ball as well”, the stepmother's eyes sparkled as she looked at her and replied: “Only once you have cleaned the kitchen swept and mopped the floors and dusted the bedrooms” these chores would take one person a week to complete as she sat in the kitchen surrounded by dirty pots and pans. Cinderella despaired “How will I ever clean all this mess! Someone please helps me!”. 

House mice in carton pigeons heard her cry for help and came running to her rescue. They helped Cinderella scrub and dust the manor until it sparkled. Once the manor sparkled like new Cinderella went back to her stepmother and asked again, Cinderella asked “I have done everything you've asked! Can I go to the ball now? The stepmother looked down at Cinderella and laughed “Why your filthy Cinderella you can't go to the ball dressed like that, the Prince won't one dirt all over his ballroom” Her Stepmother replied! 

The evil stepmother left for the ball with the stepsisters. Cinderella was alone in the manor with the mice and pigeons who were her only friends. Cinderella ran to the garden and wept the pigeons and the mice felt very sorry for her! then, a rustling sound came from the bushes old woman emerged and approached Cinderella. “Why so many tears from such a kind girl,” Fairy Godmother asked! “I just wanted to go to the ball but I have nothing to wear” Cinderella answered! The old woman thought then said “As your fairy godmother I can give you one night where all of your dreams come true” Fairy Godmother said!

Cinderella looked up and saw the kind face of her fairy godmother and she asked “you're my fairy godmother!” and Fairy Godmother replied to her “Yes, dear!” with a wave of her hand the fairy godmother transformed Cinderella's simple dress into a beautiful gown with glass slippers fit for a queen, and she asked “but how do I get to the ball?” wondered Cinderella flick her wand the fairy godmother transformed a pumpkin into a golden carriage and the nearby mice into horses, and a rat into the coachman. “Thank you so much!” Cinderella said! And Fairy Godmother replied “you are now dressed like a queen and be sure to leave the ball before the final stroke of midnight for all my spells will disappear!” warn the fairy godmother, Cinderella promised to come home before midnight and left for the ball. 

Cinderella arrived at the ball and all the guests wondered who this beautiful princess was! The Prince couldn't take his eyes off her and they danced all night. She was having such a wonderful time with the prince that she completely forgot that midnight was coming, suddenly, the palace clock began to strike down bun. Cinderella said “Sorry, I have to go now!” the prince running after her in her haste, she lost one of her glass slippers desperate to find out who the mystery princess was! The Prince declared “every girl in the land must try on the slipper, whoever fits this slipper will be my bride!”. 

Girl after girl tried on the slipper but with no success. Finally, the prince arrived at Cinderella's house, Anastasia and Drusilla rammed their feet into the slipper but it was clearly the wrong size. “No woman seems to fit the glass slipper!” The Prince despaired “Is there no other girl in your house that has yet to try on the slipper?” he asked the stepsisters then looked at the stepmother nervously and the stepmother replied “We only have a kitchen maid we call her Cinderella!” said the stepmother. The Prince said! “Take me to her!” ordered the prince Cinderella was sweeping the kitchen when the prince pulled out the glass slipper and set it in front of Cinderella, her delicate foot fit perfectly. The Prince said “This is my princess!” announced the prince lifting Cinderella into the air all the mice and birds rejoiced at their love. And next morning, the Prince married Cinderella and they lived happily ever after.