Beauty and The Beast Book Fairy Tales 2021

Beauty and The Beast Book Fairy Tales 2021

Beauty and The Beast

Once upon a time, there lived a rich merchant that he didn’t even know how much money he had. This merchant had three daughters. Two of them were selfish, lazy, and unkind, but the third one was incredibly polite, generous, and loving. With her flowing brown hair and big green eyes, she was both beautiful and of good character so her father simply called her ‘Beauty’. Beauty never wanted to upset her father. Her sisters, on the other hand, only thought of money, dresses, and jewels. This is why their father loved Beauty the most. 

One evening, Beauty dreamed of a tall, handsome, dark-haired prince. In her dream, she was wearing a marvelous dress while dancing with the prince. At the end of their dance, the prince gifted her a rose. When she woke up, she was still smiling and dancing with the effect of her dream. Her sisters watched in shock, filled with jealousy. 

Days went by, and one day, Beauty’s father received terrible news. A powerful storm had destroyed all of the merchant’s ships; they had all sunk and he had lost all his wealth! 

“We’ve lost everything, girls! The only thing we have left is this house. I’m very sorry!” The Merchant said! 

“Don’t be sad Father; nothing really matters as long as we’re all together. I’m going to pray every day for you to smile again and for your luck to turn. I hope that sometime soon we will be rich again.!” Beauty replied! 

Not long after, they received the good news that one of their ships hadn’t sunk. Upon hearing this news, their father with joy headed to the port. 

“We’re probably saved now. We are rich again! After I sell all the merchandise, what would you like me to bring you?” The Merchant said! 

“My dear father, just come back to us safe and sound. I don’t want anything, but if you can bring me a red rose, I’d be very happy.!” Beauty replied! 

The merchant bid his girls farewell and went to the port. But when he arrived, he couldn’t believe his eyes. The ship was destroyed, and all the merchandise had fallen into the sea and was lost. So, nothing had changed; they were still poor. Sadly, on his way back home, without realizing, he entered the forest. For some time, he tried to find the road, but at this point, he and his horse were both very tired. Suddenly, he spotted a light in the distance. It was getting dark, so he hurried and headed towards the light. 

A magnificent palace appeared before him. It was a palace with lights all around it and a huge garden. The palace had a mysterious feel. When the merchant arrived at the garden gates, they opened spontaneously. Going through a path with lots of trees he reached the door of the palace which also opened spontaneously. Though the merchant didn’t understand what was going on, he went inside and said “Good evening, is anyone here?” He walked past the huge living room and other rooms, asking if anyone was home. He suddenly found himself before a table full of different types of food, desserts, and fruits. Since he was very hungry, he sat down and ate until he was full. Wandering in all around the alluring rooms of the palace, he looked for a place to sleep. He found a beautiful bedroom on the top floor. He layed down on the bed and fell asleep. 

The next day when he went downstairs, this time he saw that a beautiful large breakfast table had been set for him. He went out to the garden and just as he approached the gates, he saw a beautiful red rose. Beauty will love it. He picked the rose. At the same time, he heard a noise behind him. When he turned around, there was a monster! It was a scary monster with black hairy hands, a huge mouth, and eyes and sharp teeth! 

“I did everything to make your stay comfortable. Aren’t you ashamed of picking that flower without permission?” The Beast Monster said! 

“I’m sorry sir; my intentions weren’t bad. I have three girls; one of them asked me to bring back a rose for her. I picked it for my daughter. Please forgive me.!” The Merchant replied! 

“So you have three daughters then!” The Beast Monster asked!

“Yes, Sir!” The Merchant replied! 

“Well, I will only forgive you on one condition. One of your daughters must come and stay with me willingly. If no one comes, I will punish you very badly. Here, I’m giving you my fastest horse. I expect both of you within a week. If not, you will pay the price for your insolence!” The Beast Monster said! 

The merchant, wanting so desperately to stay alive, climbed on the horse and went straight home. He explained to his daughters everything that had happened. 

“Which one of you will come with me there?” The Merchant asked! 

“I can’t live with a monster. Beauty is the one to be blamed. She should go. Yes, it’s her fault that dad encountered this monster. She should go!” Two Sisters replied! 

“Okay, okay! Father, don’t be upset. I’ll go willingly and I will save you!” Beauty replied! 

“My beautiful girl, you’re going because of me. I’m so sorry!” The Merchant said! 

“Don’t be sad, Father; everything will be fine!” Beauty replied! 

When they arrived at the palace, everything was the same as before. A fire was burning in the fireplace, the table was full of food, and bright lights were lit everywhere. Since they were both hungry from the long journey, they sat at the table and had dinner. Not long after that, the monster headed downstairs. 

“Good evening and welcome. My name is Beast. Will you stay here with me?” The Beast asked!

“Yes, Sir. I wanted that rose. It’s not my father’s fault. He only wanted to bring me a gift!” Beauty replied! 

“Then your father will leave tomorrow, and you will stay here and be my friend!” The Beast said! 

The next day Beauty’s father left. Waving, she bid her father farewell from the garden gates. Days went by, but she was incredibly sad. She cried every day. One night, as she was crying, “What will I do with the Beast? How will I get used to this?” He appeared before her. 

“Good evening. How are you? Is your room comfortable? Do you need anything? Your wish is my command. By you coming here at your own will has made me incredibly happy. If only you like me a little. Is it because I’m ugly?” The Beast said! 

“I don’t like you, but I’ve gotten used to you!” Beauty replied! 

“Just wait and see. One day I’ll make you like me; you won’t see the ugliness of my face, but you’ll see the kindness of my heart. That’s what’s important!” The Beast replied! 

They were actually becoming quite good friends. They played the piano together and sang songs; they wandered around the garden and fed the birds. Beauty realized that Beast wasn’t as ugly as she thought he was. In fact, she had started to like him. One night, she dreamed of her father and saw he had become really ill. The next morning Beauty said:

“Good morning, Last night I saw my father in my dream. He was very ill. Please let me go visit my father for a week; I’ve missed him so much! Will you let me?” Beauty said and asked! 

“Okay then. Exactly one week. If you go over one week and not come back, I will die here. Don’t forget that!” The Beast replied! 

“I promise. I will see him and come right back!” Beauty replied! 

“Then let’s put this magical heart-shaped medallion on your neck. If you make a wish while holding it tightly, it will come true!” The Beast said! 

She arrived at her father’s house. Her father was so pleased to see her that he started feeling better almost immediately. Her sisters didn’t understand what just happened and how she just suddenly arrived. They were still jealous of Beauty. Beauty told her father everything. That she was now happy and that he shouldn’t be sad anymore. She stayed a week at her father’s house, without realizing how time passed by. 

One day, she saw Beast in her dream lying on the floor. Thinking that he had died, she became incredibly frightened. It dawned on her that she was late by one day. She felt guilty because she hadn’t kept her promise. 

“He told me that if I stayed over a week that he would die. What selfishness this is! If something happened to him because of me, I will never be able to forgive myself!” Beauty said! 

She immediately bid her father and sisters farewell, took the medallion in her hand, holding it tightly kissed it, and made her wish. She found herself in Beast’s palace. Beast was on the floor with his eyes closed. Helpless Beauty had no idea what to do. Beauty, thinking that she had lost Beast, kept on crying. Suddenly, Beast opened his eyes. 

“I finally realized how much I love you!” Beauty said! 

“Can you really love someone as ugly as me?” The Beast replied! 

“Of course! I will never part with you again!” Beauty replied! 

“Then, will you marry me?” The Beast asked!

“Yes! Yes!” Beauty replied! 

Suddenly with a blinding light, Beast’s face started to change. A handsome prince took his place. He was tall with thick dark hair. 

“Ohhhh… you’re the prince that I was dancing within my dream!” Beauty asked! 

“Yes…. An evil witch turned me into The Beast. The only way for the spell to be broken was if a girl accepted my hand in marriage despite my ugliness. Thank you for saving me, Beauty!” The Beast replied! 

Not long after that, the prince and Beauty got married. They brought her merchant father and her sisters to the palace as well. They were lived happily ever after... This was a victory, of inner Beauty.