King Archidei and Beautiful Princess Helena Book Fairy Tales 2021

King Archidei and Beautiful Princess Helena Book Fairy Tales 2021

King Archidei and Beautiful Princess Helena

Once upon a time, there lived a King whose name was Archidei. He ruled his Kingdom with love, and his people were well cared for. They, in turn, praised him to no ends. You’d think that such a king would be happy, but not King Acrhidei. You see, his majesty was strong, intelligent, a great ruler.

“Gee, thanks for the compliments!” The King Said!

My pleasure, Sire!  But although possessing these great traits, he didn’t really have anyone to share his joys with. “And by that, I mean a queen”. He searched the lands for a woman befitting him, but none seemed to suit him well. 

On one such day, he saw a merchant ship at the Kingdom’s docks. He looked wistfully at it, perhaps wondering if the adventures they had sailed through. King Archidei watched the sailors soon came up with an idea.

“Sea merchants have been around the whole world. Maybe they’ll know about a woman I may find suitable.” King Archidei said!

So, King Archidei went over to the surprised merchants and put forth his question.

“A woman worthy of you, your highness?” Boss Merchant asked!

“What about Princess Helena, from the Kingdom in the far west. I have heard she is very much sought after for her beauty, not to mention she’s a magician’s daughter.” The Servant Merchant said!

“Why hasn’t she married anyone yet?” King Archidei aked!

“We have heard strange stories about how she slips away from people’s hands.” Boss Merchant replied!

“You mean to escape?” King Archidei aked?

“No, I actually mean “Slip Away” I don’t understand it either but that’s what we’ve heard.” The Servant Merchant replied!

“I’ve decided to pursue Princess Helena.” King Archidei said!

“Wait, to travel from your kingdom to her, it’ll take you ten years.” The Servant Merchant said!

“WHAT??” King Archidei aked!

“And to travel back another ten years.” Boss Merchant said!

No kidding. At this news, King Archidei his heart sank. What a terrible pickle to be in. He rewarded the merchants and galloped back towards his palace, think deeply. Completely lost in thought, he didn’t see where he was headed. He had reached a field where wheat had been cultivated. How magnificently golden field looked, King Archidei looked around and he spotted four men working in the golden field. When they saw him coming towards them, they hurriedly got to their feet.

“To whom does this field belong?” King Archidei asked!

“It belongs to us, your grace. We brothers belong to a humble peasant family. We plow and till the soil, at the same time maintaining our own individual traits.” The Farmer replied!

“I want everyone to help me to find Princess Helena!” King Archidei said!

“Yes, we will agree your majesty!” The Farmer replied!

The next morning, the three brothers set to work. The King had asked for various materials to be brought for them. From the finest of the stone to the strongest of metal. Edmon farmer had already started building his tower and in three days, it was completed. Astounded at the tower, he called Edmon and went to find Kostya.

“I saw your brother (Kostya) building a boat of a very peculiar shape.” King Archidei said!

“Well, the boats he builds are unlike the ones we normally see. That’s what makes them so special.” Edmon replied!

And truly, when they reached the dock, there was the boat that Kostya had finished building. It was definitely a peculiar shape and one might have even laughed at it, but not the King.

“Your highness, I have finished the boat!” Kostya said!

“Good. Come, let us get your third sibling.” King Archidei replied!

They walked to the King’s own workhouse and saw Demian (Third brother) wielding a very interesting looking tool. It looked like a gun that could shoot out nets.

“Edmon, would you be able to see Princess Helena from your tower?” King Archidei asked!

“Ah, I’ve already seen her. When I was about to climb down, I scanned the eastern of the world and saw Princess Helena. She is very beautiful but is guarded heavily from all around.” Edmon replied!

“Well, that’s going to be tough!” King Archidei said!

“Her father is strict and won’t allow people to easily enter his Palace!” Edmon said!

“You had said ten years to reach there. If it’s my boat, then it should be just a week’s time.” Kostya said!

“Well, that’s one good news. And what about you Demian?” King Archidei asked!

“I can easily protect us from any harm with my machine your majesty!” Demian replied!

“Excellent!! But the only problem is…” King Archidei said!

“The Guards! Your Majesty, remember I had told you that I can charm almost anyone? I will surely get us into the palace with ease.” Orel replied!

So, the next day, they all sailed to the Eastern Kingdom. True to Kostya’s word, they reached there in exactly a week’s time. The King Archidei met the princess Helena they are were lived together and happiness ever in life.