Princess And The Frog Prince Book Fairy Tales 2021

Princess And The Frog Prince Book Fairy Tales 2021

Princess And The Frog Prince Book Fairy Tales 2021

Long, long, ago there lived a beautiful princess. She was very proud of her beautiful looks. And she only liked having beautiful things around her.

“Oh, I must only have beautiful birds in my garden. I wish the crows would go away from here. They are so ugly.” Princess said! 

One morning, the princess’s father gave her a beautiful golden ball. 

“This ball is for you, my princess. I know you like a beautiful thing. But you must remember, to look for beauty in other things too.” King said!

“Thank you, Daddy!” Princess replied! 

The princess liked strolling in the beautiful garden behind her palace every morning. And this morning she took the golden ball with her. She began tossing the ball high up in the air and catching it before it fell to the ground. But she was careless and on one of the throws. Oops! The princess dropped the golden ball. The ball fell to the ground and bounced off into a pond. The princess was very disappointed. She was sure that she would never see the golden ball again. 

“Huh! Oh no! I’ve lost my beautiful new golden ball. I’ll never have another same it again. I wish there was someone who could help me get it back.” Princess said! 

To the princess’s surprise, a frog sitting on a lily pad hopped up to her and spoke. 

“Croak! Good morning, princess! I see you have lost your ball. I can get it back for you. But you must promise to give me something in return.” The Frog Prince said!

“Huh?” Princess replied! 

The princess thought the frog was very ugly. She wanted to turn around and run away the moment she saw him. But she really wanted her golden ball back. And so, she spoke to him. 

“I promise I’ll give you all the gold and silver I have if you get my ball back!” Princess said! 

The frog laughed at the princess’s offer. He didn’t want gold or silver. 

“No, Princess. I don’t want gold or silver. I want something else.” The Frog Prince replied!  

The princess was very curious to know what the frog wanted. 

“What do you want, frog?” Princess asked!

“I want to eat dinner from your plate, dance with you, and sleep in your room.” The Frog Prince replied!

The princess didn’t like the frog or his ideas. But the palace was quite far away from the pond. And the princess was sure that he would never find his way there. And so, she agreed. 

“Okay, frog. I promise that I’ll share my dinner with you. And that I’ll dance with you. And that I’ll let you sleep in my room.” Princess replied!

“And I promise I’ll get your ball!” The Frog Prince replied! 

After that, the frog has leaped into the water. He went deep down to the pond’s bed and found the golden ball. 

“Here’s your ball, Princess! I kept my promise. And now you must keep yours too.” The Frog Prince said!

“Huh?” Princess replied! 

The princess hurried back to the palace with the golden ball. Soon she forgot all about the frog. For she was sure, that she would never see him again. But that evening, just as the princess sat to eat her dinner, there was a knock on the door. It was the frog. He hopped into the palace and sat right next to the princess. 

“Hello, Princess! I’m here!” The Frog Prince said!

“Huh?” Princess replied!


The king was very surprised to see the frog. 

“Who is this frog, princess? Do you know him? What is he doing here?” The King asked!

The princess told the king all about the frog. 

“Ah! This frog helped me find my golden ball this morning, daddy. And I promised him that I’d let him eat from my plate. I also promised to dance with him, and let him sleep in my room.” Princess replied!

The king believed in keeping promises. And he wanted the princess to keep hers too. 

“A promise is a promise, my little princess. And you must keep one if you’ve made one. Especially when someone has been helped you to do something for you. Come on now, keep your promise. Share your dinner with the frog.” The King said!

And so, the princess kept her promise and let the frog eat from her plate. The frog then asked the princess to dance with him. 

“Princess, can we dance now?” The Frog Prince asked!

The princess kept her promise and danced with the frog even though she wasn’t one bit happy. Later that night, the frog went to sleep in the princess’s bedroom. 

“Good night, princess! Sweet dreams!” The Frog Prince said!

The princess kept her promise and allowed the frog to sleep in her room even though she was not happy about it. The next morning, when the princess woke up, she didn’t see the frog anywhere. 

“Thank goodness! The frog is gone!” Princess said!

But to the princess’s surprise, there was a handsome young prince in her room. 

“Good morning, princess! Remember me? I’m the frog that you met yesterday!” The Frog Prince said!

“Uhh! You’re the frog?” Princess asked!

“Yes, princess. I’m actually a prince. But an evil witch cast a spell on me and turned me into a frog. She said I would only turn back into a prince if a beautiful princess let me eat from her plate, dance with her, and let me sleep in her room. And since you did all that, you broke the spell.” The Frog Prince replied!

“Then I did?” Princess asked!

“Yes!” The Frog Prince replied!

The princess was very happy that she kept her promise. Soon, she and the prince became very good friends. They even got married. And the prince showed the princess how to look for beauty in everything.