Snow White and Seven Dwarfs - Book Fairy Tale

Snow White and Seven Dwarfs - Book Fairy Tale

Snow White and Seven Dwarfs - Book Fairy Tale

 Long, long ago, there lived a beautiful queen whose greatest wish was to have a daughter. 

“I wish that I would have a child as a girl with skin as white as snow! With lips as red as a rose, and hair as black as coal.!” Queen said! 

It wasn’t long before the queen’s wish came true. She gave birth to a beautiful little girl named Snow White! But sadly, the queen became very sick and died when Snow White was very little. Snow White’s father, the king, eventually remarried. His new wife, the new queen, came to live with him and Snow White in the castle. His new wife was a very beautiful woman. But she was a proud and cruel woman. In her room, she had a magical, talking mirror, and every morning, she would stand before it and ask the same question. 

“Magical mirror on the wall! Tell me! Who’s most beautiful in the kingdom?” The Wicked Queen asked! 

The magical mirror would always speak the truth and tell the queen that she was the most beautiful in the kingdom. 

“You, my queen. You are the most beautiful in the kingdom.!” Magic Mirror replied! 

The queen was always pleased with the magical mirror’s answer because she knew that the mirror could never tell a lie. The years passed and Snow White grew to be a beautiful young woman. Everyone admired Snow White’s beauty. Her skin was very beautiful as white as snow. Her lips as red as a rose, and her hair as black as coal. Just as her mother had wished for. A morning, the wicked queen stand in front of the mirror and asked again. 

“Magical Mirror on the wall! Tell me! Who is the most beautiful in the kingdom?” The Wicked Queen asked! 

To the wicked queen’s great shock, the magical mirror had a different answer for her that day. 

“Snow White! Snow White, Snow White is the most beautiful in the kingdom!” Magic Mirror replied! 

The wicked queen knew that the magical mirror only spoke the truth and she grew very envious of Snow White. So, one day, when the king was away, the wicked queen called a hunter to her chambers. 

“You will take Snow White to the forest, and get rid of her. And bring back a lock of her hair for me.!” The Wicked Queen said! 

The hunter took Snow White to the forest where they came to a cliff. He prepared to push Snow white off the cliff. But when he saw how loving she was, he stopped himself. 

“Princess Snow White, your stepmother, the wicked queen has asked me to get rid of you and I don’t want to hurt you. You must stay in the forest and never return to the kingdom.” The Hunter said!

After said then the hunter left Snow White in the forest. But he made sure to cut a lock of her hair first. The hunter returned to the castle and presented the lock of hair to the wicked queen. 

“HaHa! Snow White is gone! And I am the most beautiful once again!” The Wicked Queen said! 

Wandering through the forest, Snow White came upon a tiny cottage near some mountains. She entered the cottage and found a delicious meal laid out on the table. 

“Seven little plates! They are full of delicious food!” Snow White said! 

Snow White was so hungry that she ate all the food. She then went to rest in the bedroom. 

“Oh! There are seven little beds here. There must be seven children living in this house! I think I’ll take a nap until they come back.! Snow White said!

Quite exhausted, Snow White fell fast asleep. Little Snow White didn’t know the house has belonged to seven dwarfs. They were miners who worked in the mountains, and when they returned in the evening, they realized that someone was in their house. 

“Someone’s eaten our food! Someone’s sleeping on our beds!” Seven Dwarfs said! 

Snow White heard the dwarfs and woke up. She told them who she was and what had happened. 

“My stepmother will kill me if I go back to the castle.” Snow White said! 

“You can stay with us! But you must be careful while we are away. And not let anyone enter the house. For it could be your stepmother trying to harm you again.!” Seven Dwarfs replied! 

They were very kind to her, and she felt quite safe and happy with them. Since the hunter had given the wicked queen the lock of hair, she believed that Snow White was dead. So, she was very surprised when she went to the magical mirror again. 

“Magical Mirror on the wall! Tell me! Who is the most beautiful in the kingdom?” The Wicked Queen asked! 

“Snow White! Snow White is the most beautiful!” Magic Mirror replied! 

“But Snow White is dead!” The Wicked Queen said! 

The wicked queen was couldn’t believe her eyes when the magical mirror showed her that Snow White was still alive. The wicked queen was so angry that she decided to get rid of Snow White herself. The wicked queen first disguised herself as an old beggar. She then took a poisoned apple and went to the dwarfs’ house. Snow White was all alone when the wicked queen came to the house. 

“Hello? Is anyone home? I'm a poor old woman and I'm feeling very cold. Can I come in for a little while?” The Wicked Queen said! 

“You poor thing. Please come in.!” Snow White said!

“You are very kind. Please accept this apple as a token of my thanks, my love.!” The Wicked Queen said!

“Thank you!” Snow White replied! 

“Please, take a bite of the apple, love. And tell me how you like it.!” The Wicked Queen said!  

Snow White did not recognize the wicked queen. And so, she innocently took a big bite of the apple. The poison in the apple put Snow White into a deep, deep sleep. 

“HAHA! Now I am again the fairest of them all!” The Wicked Queen said!  

When the dwarfs returned, they saw Snow White lying cold and still. 

“Oh no! Something has happened to Snow White! Look! There’s an apple here. Oh no! The wicked queen must have been here! The apple looks like it has been poisoned. I hope it doesn’t kill her.!” Seven Dwarfs said! 

The poor dwarfs couldn’t stop crying. They carried Snow White to the top of the mountain and waited by her side. Sometime later, a kind and handsome prince came by. He saw Snow White and was taken aback by her beauty. 

“What a beautiful young lady! But why is she looking so pale and cold?” The Prince said! 

The warmth from the prince's heart woke Snow White up. The Prince and the seven dwarfs were very happy to see Snow White wake up. They took very good care of her and nursed her back to health. To everyone’s great happiness, the prince then asked Snow White to marry him. 

“Princess Snow White, will you be my wife?” The Prince asked! 

“Yes!” Snow White replied! 

When the wicked queen heard that Snow White was still alive, she plotted to harm her again. But the prince and the seven dwarfs were ready. Before she could act, they replaced the wicked queen's shoes with a magical pair that never stopped walking. 

“Huh? Why can’t I stop walking? Where am I going?” The Wicked Queen said!  

Snow White and the prince then lived happily ever after.