The Witch and Rapunzel Book Fairy Tales 2021

The Witch and Rapunzel Book Fairy Tales 2021

The Witch and Rapunzel Book Fairy Tales 2021

Once upon a time, in a small house there lived a young married couple. They were a very happy couple and were expecting a baby. 

“I know it’s important for our baby to be healthy, but I do hope we have a daughter, my love.!” The Wife said! 

“Yes, I would love to have a daughter, too. God willing, we’ll have a daughter that will look like you.!” The Husband replied! 

The day of the birth was getting closer, and the young mother excitedly awaited the birth of her baby. Every day, the mother would look out the window and over the high wall and admire her neighbor’s garden filled with flowers and fruits. One day, she noticed a yellow-leafed plant that she had never seen before. “I wonder what the name of that plant is? It smells wonderful. I’m sure it tastes amazing too! I have to eat that plant! I will go straight to my neighbor and ask her.!” The Wife said! Without wasting any time, the young mother left the house. But she had no idea that her next-door neighbor was a cruel witch. She knocked on the door unaware of the danger that awaited her. 

“Hello, neighbor! The yellow plant in your garden smells amazing. I’m pregnant and really craving it. Is it an edible plant?” The Wife said! 

“Of course, I can give you a little. It tastes incredible and it’s really good for humans.!” The Witch replied! 

“Then it’ll be good for my baby, too!” The Wife asked! 

“Of course, dear neighbor, especially for expecting mothers! But remember, because it’s so valuable, you may only take one! Hahahahaha! Everything is going just as I planned.!” The Witch replied and said! 

The young woman finished eating the piece she had taken as soon as she got home. But she wanted to eat more. 

“Bring me more! If I don’t eat it, I can’t have this baby.!” The Wife said! 

“Don’t worry, I’ll do everything I can to bring you more of that yellow plant.!” The Husband replied! 

As night fell and it got dark, the helpless husband climbed over the tall wall and took the plant that his wife wanted. This went on for some time. Every night, the young man secretly entered the garden. But he was uneasy about entering his neighbors garden without permission. The bad witch had actually grown this plant to set up a trap for them. She knew that her neighbor was expecting a baby and that she would definitely crave for this with its smell. She had her eye on the baby for a long time. She was going to take the baby one way or another. One evening, as the man entered the garden again, the witch caught him red-handed. She now had the appearance of a witch. She was very ugly and was extremely scary looking. The poor man was frightened: 

“Please forgive me... My wife is pregnant and she can’t stop eating this plant. I was forced to do this because you said ‘she could only take one. I know this is wrong but if she doesn’t eat it, I’m afraid that my wife will die. I’m in a very tough situation.!” The Husband said! 

“Hahahahahahaaa! I’ll accept your apology only with one condition. You must give me the baby that is to be born. If not, I’ll destroy all of you.!” The Witch replied! 

The man had to accept this condition. When the time of birth arrived, a beautiful baby girl was born. The witch went to their house immediately. 

“I will call her Rapunzel. You shall raise her until she turns one. In exactly one year I will come and take her from you.!” The Witch said! 

The helpless couple accepted. When Rapunzel turned one, the witch came and took the crying baby away from her mother and father and locked up the baby in a tower in the middle of the forest. She was going to raise the baby there. 

Many years passed ago; Rapunzel was now a beautiful young girl. As she had never cut her hair, it was several meters long. Her hair was golden blonde. She had deep green eyes. Whenever the witch went to the tower, she would call out to her; “My dear blonde-haired girl, I’m here! Let your hair down!” Rapunzel would throw her long braid down, and the witch would climb up to the tower using her hair. Rapunzel thought that the witch was her mother. As she had never seen anyone else other than the witch until now, Rapunzel thought that she and her mother were the only ones in this world. 

She had a wonderful voice. She sang all day long until nightfall. Her voice echoed across the forest and all the birds would fly to the window to listen to her. Birds were her only friends. One day, a prince was wandering around the forest. When he heard Rapunzel’s singing, he wondered where this marvelous sound was coming from. As he followed the direction of the sound, he approached the tower and realized the voice was coming from there. “I must meet the girl with this amazing voice. I wonder how can I go up this tower?” The Prince said! As he desperately walked round and round the tower, he suddenly saw a witch calling to the top of the tower. He hid behind a tree at once and watched. “My dear blonde-haired girl, I’m here! Let your hair down!” The called out Rapunzel let down her braided hair and the witch climbed up to the tower. “I found how to go up the tower!” The Prince said! Having waited for the witch to leave, the prince now called out to the tower impersonating the voice of the witch. “My girl... please let down your beautiful blonde hair again. I forgot something up there.!” The Prince said.! “I’m letting it down right away, Mother!” Rapunzel replied! With one swift move, she let down her hair again. The Prince climbed up the tower using her hair and met Rapunzel. It was the first time in her life that the beautiful girl was seeing another person. 

“Aaaa! Who are you? Why are you here? Where is my mother?” Rapunzel asked! 

“Please don’t be afraid. I’m the Prince of this country. Your wonderful voice bought me here. To come up here I had to impersonate your mother’s voice.!” The Prince replied! 

Rapunzel, who at first was very frightened, slowly realized that he wasn’t a bad person. The prince was already charmed by her beauty. Days and months passed by. The prince was coming to the tower every day. When they spent time together, they didn’t realize how fast the time passed. Then, he finally proposed to Rapunzel. 

“Rapunzel, I want to live with you for the rest of my life. Will you marry me?” The Prince asked! 

“Of course, I’ll marry you.!” Rapunzel replied! 

“I must now return to the palace. I will try to find a solution to get you out of here at once.!” The Prince said! 

Rapunzel was very excited that she would finally see the outside world once she married the Prince. She was so bored with living alone in the tower for all those years. He held Rapunzel’s hair and headed down the tower. Unfortunately, the witch was there too and saw the prince. She immediately understood what was going on. She raged with anger. As Rapunzel was pulling her hair back up again, the witch held on to it and climbed up. She was so annoyed and furious: 

“What’s going on? Who’s that just left? I’ve been hiding you up here to protect you from evil. But you, you’ve been talking to strangers and making friends with them.!” The Witch said! 

“He’s the Prince of this country. He’s asked for my hand in marriage and I accepted. I’m so happy, Mother! I was waiting for you to come to tell you all about it!” Rapunzel replied! 

“What! What nonsense is this! I’ll show you!” The Witch said! 

The witch was so angry that with a pair of scissors she cut Rapunzel’s long hair short as can be. And with her magic, she then sent her to a very far away country. When the prince arrived at the tower the next day, he had no idea that the witch was waiting for him in the tower: “Hi Rapunzel, I’m here. Let down your hair please!” The witch let down the long braid that she had cut from Rapunzel’s hair. When the prince reached the window of the tower, the witch was there to meet him. He was terrified the moment he saw her. 

“What a surprise ha! You thought you were going to be able to take my girl away whom I’ve hidden for years?” The Witch said! 

As the witch let go of the braid, the terrified prince found himself on the floor. He fell on top of the bushes, but since he hit his head he was blinded. Rapunzel was ever-present in the prince’s mind. So mounted on his horse, he searched for her everywhere. He swore that even if he had to go to the end of the world, he would find her. He searched and searched and searched for a very long time. 

Finally, one day he heard a song. The voice was familiar to him. Galloping on his horse, he headed straight towards the sweet voice. He came to the door of the house Rapunzel was staying in. 

“Rapunzel I’m here. Open the door!” The Prince said! 

“I can’t believe it. Is it really you?” Rapunzel said! 

As Rapunzel opened the door, she cried when she saw the prince. She cried so much that her tears fell on the prince’s face as he was kneeling. Her tears were miraculous joyful tears. Suddenly, the blind prince opened his eyes. They hugged each other joyfully and celebrated this miracle. The prince was finally able to propose officially. 

They returned to the palace and started preparing for the wedding. Upon their return, Rapunzel and the Prince looked for her real parents so they could share their news. They were incredibly happy to be reunited with their daughter after all these years. They had a beautiful wedding and they all lived happily ever after.