Aladdin and The Lamp Genie - Book Fairy Tales

Aladdin and The Lamp Genie - Book Fairy Tales

Aladdin and The Lamp Genie

Once upon a time, in a faraway land lived a boy named Aladdin. His father passed away when he was very young, so he was in charge now of supporting his mother. He would help people in the market and tried to earn some money to bring food home because they were very poor. But Aladdin was kind-hearted, so everyone loved him very much. 

One day on his way to the market, a well-dressed, evil-eyed man approached him. “Hello young man, I need to ask you for a favor. I dropped my ring into a small crevice just ahead. I can't get in; can you go in and get it for me?” Evil-Eyes said! Together they walked toward the crevice where the man had pointed out. Aladdin entered the hole. He barely went through the hole. Inside there was a small gas lamp that lit a cave; it was full of gold, money, and jewels. The Evil-Eyes said out from above. “If you found my ring, you'll also see an old lamp there next to it. I want you to bring me both of them!” Evil-Eyes said! Aladdin was shocked at the sight in the cave, so he got very suspicious that the man only wanted an old lamp and a ring while the place was filled with money and jewelry. When he came to the top of the hole, the evil-eyed man yelled at him. 

“Hurry...give me the lamp!” Evil-Eyes said! 

“No. I need to get out first.!” Aladdin replied! 

“If you don't do as I say, I'll leave you in there. Give me the lamp!” Evil-Eyes replied! 

“I said NO! Let me get out first!” Aladdin replied! 

The man got very angry and trapped Aladdin there. Aladdin didn't know what to do in the dark, so he took the lamp and put the ring on his finger. At that moment, green smoke came out and a genie appeared before him. Frightened, Aladdin hid right away. 

“Don't be afraid, Aladdin. I will do you a favor: I will grant you whatever you want. But you only have three wishes...!” The Lamp Genie said! 

“Please take me home.!” Aladdin replied! 

For the first wish from Aladdin. Suddenly, he found himself in his room. At that time, his mother who was also in the room asked… “Ohh...when did you come in?” Aladdin told his mother everything that had happened to him. Desperately sitting in a corner, Aladdin wanted to spend time clearing the lamp which was very dirty. He took the lamp in his hands and as he was rubbing it, all of a sudden, the lamp genie came out of the lamp. 

“Say what you wish of me!” The Lamp Genie said! 

“Oh, my goodness, who are you?” Aladdin asked! 

“I'm the lamp genie. You saved me from that sorcerer, so now your wish is my command. Say what you wish of me!” The Lamp Genie replied! 

“I want some food for my mother and I. Can you do this?” Aladdin replied! 

Suddenly, a table full of different kinds of food appeared. Aladdin and his mother ate until they were completely satisfied. From that day on, thanks to the magic lamp, a very rich and happy life awaited them.

And after what happened. Years passed by and Aladdin became a young man; he was at the marrying age.

“Mother, I would like to get married.!” Aladdin asked! 

“My dear son, I'm so happy. You'll have the most beautiful girl in the country and I know just who that is. The sultan has a beautiful daughter: her name is Jasmin. What do you say?” The Mother replied! 

Aladdin immediately appeared before the sultan with a small chest full of jewels and told him of his intention. 

“Dear Sultan, with your permission, I would like to marry your daughter.!” Aladdin asked! 

“It's not that easy. Will you be able to grant my requests?” The Sultan replied and asked!

“Whatever you ask, dear Sultan!” Aladdin replied! 

“Then listen to me well. You will bring 100 soldiers. These soldiers will protect my palace, but all of them should have solid gold hearts in their hands.!” The Sultan said! 

“Your wish is my command, dear Sultan!” Aladdin replied! 

Aladdin went back home and took care of this with the help of the lamp genie. The next day the sultan saw in his garden 100 soldiers carrying solid gold hearts in their hands. 

“Well, since you managed this, I would also like you to build a magnificent palace for my daughter. Only then, I will agree that you marry.!” The Sultan said! 

Aladdin immediately called the lamp genie. He gladly did whatever Aladdin asked for because he owed his freedom to him. Say what you wish of me! “I want a magnificent palace for the sultan's daughter!” Aladdin said! The lamp genie clapped his hands twice and a big palace appeared next to their house. Since all of the sultan's requests had been granted, he approved the marriage. They had a wedding ceremony that lasted forty days and forty nights. 

They soon moved into their palace and one day, a salesman was passing in front of the palace and said: “Old lamps...old lamps, I buy and sell...” The salesman, in fact, was the sorcerer Aladdin met when he was a child. He took the old lamp and gave a new one to Jasmin. The magic lamp was now his. In the evening when Aladdin returned home, he noticed that the palace was gone. He knew what happened. He put on the magic ring and called the giant. 

“Say what you wish of me, but you only have two wishes left.!” The Lamp Genie said! 

“Take me to Jasmin. Hurry up!” Aladdin said! 

All of a sudden, he was in the palace. When he went upstairs and peeked into the open door, he saw Jasmin serving the sorcerer and preparing the table. Aladdin got upset and waited for Jasmin to come to the kitchen. When she entered the kitchen and saw Aladdin, she was surprised. 

“Aladdin what's going on?” Jasmin asked! 

“Shhh! Be quiet and wait. I will save you!” Aladdin replied! 

Aladdin put the ring on his finger right away and the giant appeared before him. 

“You only have one wish left!” The Lamp Genie said! 

“Yes! I know. This is my last wish. Freeze the sorcerer and turn him into a sculpture!” Aladdin replied! 

“Alright, here you go! Suddenly, the sorcerer froze and turned into a sculpture. Aladdin had his lamp once again, so he called the lamp genie. 

“Say what you wish of me! But don't ever lose me again!” The Lamp Genie said! 

“Take us and our palace, to our old place. Also, send this evil man to a deserted island where he can't hurt anyone!” Aladdin said! 

The lamp genie clapped twice and the palace appeared next to their old house. Their mother was also with them. They told Jasmin everything. After that, Jasmin, Aladdin, and his mother lived a very rich and happy life together.