Arko Headman and Three Sons Book Fairy Tale

Arko Headman and Three Sons Book Fairy Tale

Arko Headman and Three Sons

Once upon a time, in the village of “Dasmana”, lived a man named Arko and his wife Tina. Arko was the headman of the village who owned large fields. He loved his wife dearly and would always buy her flowers and give her small presents. He took good care of his wife who was pregnant and the fields that they owned as well. 

One day, when the baby was to be born, as his wife was taken to the nursing home, she began to feel extremely ill and was in great pain. Her husband said “Don’t worry! You will be fine! Honey!” as he said this, Tina was taken into the delivery room along with a midwife. Arko waited outside worried as he heard the chaos that went about inside. A few hours later, the chaos had silenced, and the faint distant voice of a baby crying could be heard. The midwife came out, holding a baby in her hand, wrapped in a blanket. But she looked sad, with tears welled in her eyes.

“It’s a baby boy. He’s a healthy kid, but… I’m sorry, your wife didn’t make it.!” Midwife said!

“Oh! No, No!!” Arko replied!

Arko was deeply saddened and inconsolable at the news of his wife. He gave up his role and responsibilities as the headman and over the next few days, his sister would always be at his house to take care of the baby boy, Simon.

“Arko, you deserve to be happy again. And your son needs someone to take care of him. Why don’t you get married?” Sister asked!

“Why, where are you going? I don’t want to marry anyone.!” Arko replied!

“I’m not going anywhere. But this child needs someone to care and love him like a mother would.!” Sister replied!

After much persuasion, Arko finally agreed, and a few weeks later, he was married to a lovely lady from the village, Donna. Donna was a sweet and kind lady, who took great care of Simon and loved him as her own. This helped Arko feel better and soon he became the jolly man he once was.

Years passed, and Arko’s family had become bigger. They now had two sons, Ryan and Rodney. Donna loved them all equally and did not differentiate between them at all, treating Simon as her own. Even after having two of her own sons, her love for Simon never diminished and was always the same. She never let Ryan and Rodney know that Simon was their stepbrother. Arko would take his boys out to the field every year and they would build a scarecrow together. They loved making scarecrows together and would always make them together every year.

One day, many many scarecrows later, as the boys had grown up into men, Arko had become old and passed away. Simon had now taken up all the responsibilities of the house. He looked after the fields and took great care of his family and they prospered and lived happily. 

Koi and Fishes Book Fairy Tales

Koi and Fishes Book Fairy Tales

Koi and Fishes Book Fairy Tales

Once upon a time, there lived on the bank of a stream, a man and a woman who had a daughter called Koi. Koi was their only child and was as mean as she was naughty. Koi would never help her parents and instead dance and play around all day. However, one morning her mother looked so tired that even Koi could not help but ask if there was anything she could do.


“Could you please take the fishing-net out to the bank of the stream and mend some holes in it, as your father intends to go fishing at the crack of dawn!” Mother asked!

“Sure, mother!” Koi replied!


Koi took the net and worked so hard that soon there was not a hole to be found. She felt quite pleased with herself. Suddenly, she heard a splash and saw a big fish jump into the air. Koi immediately flung the net into the water and more by luck than skill, was successful in catching the fish in her net.


“Aren’t you beautiful! You better not harm me, you selfish girl! Do not take me out of the water, else I will turn you into a fish!” Fish said!

“HAHAHA! You silly fish!” Koi replied!


Just then, Koi’s mother came out of the house. And said to Koi her daughter.


“Koi, are you done with the net? Oh My God! That is a beautiful fish!” Mother said!

“I have caught it myself! And guess what, it can talk too!” Koi replied!

“What?” Mother asked!

“Yes, mother and it says that if I bring it out of the water, it will turn me into a fish. Can you believe it?” Koi said!

“Oh, let it go! Perhaps… it is skilled in magic!” Mother said!

“No way! I am going to pull it out of the water.!” Koi replied!


Saying that Koi pulled the net out of the water and as soon as she did that, the fish transformed into magical sparkles. It floated in the air and she said: I tried to warn you, and now it is too late, Now, you will take this form, become a fish and it the waters you will roam.! The magical sparkle flew away and all of a sudden, Koi turned into a fish. Koi soon felt better in the water and was able to swim to the sea, which was close by. No sooner had she reached the sea, the sight of her sad face attracted the notice of some of the other fishes, and they pressed round her, begging her to tell them her story. And so, Koi told them all about what had happened. All fishes had taken Koi to meet their queen and Koi felt a little afraid. Koi reached there and she saw to her disbelief a beautiful palace.


“Who are you, and where do you come from?” Queen asked!

“I have a magical into me a fish” Koi replied!

“I was once a girl too! A Princess if you may! Got married to a handsome King and gave birth to the most handsome Prince the world has ever seen. But alas! That was all too long ago. My child must have become a young man now, and my husband must be old!” Queen said!

“But… What happened? Did you hurt a fish too?” Koi asked!

“Oh, no, I’d never do that! Hurting animals is wrong and you should never do that.!” Queen replied!


The Queen had told all stories about her to Koi. If we want to be as before we need to find the crown from the giant and, Koi immediately she agreed and leave from there. Koi found the giant he is sleeping in his room and she went to the room.


“I am here for the Crown! Give it back, for now, your sister’s dead and you have no use of it!” Koi said!

“Oh, who are you? I will kill you!” Giant said!

“Calm down. Please! Killing me won’t bring your sister back and it most certainly won’t give the Queen her days back whom you have turned into a half-fish.!” Koi replied!

“Oh My God, The Queen, Oh, how foolish am I to have forgotten about her.!” Giant said!

“It is okay for it is not too late! Give me the Crown and me will take it to her.!” Koi replied!

“Oh, Here take the Crown and tell the Queen that I am really ashamed of my deed.!” Giant said!


Koi took the Crown from him and without waiting for a moment longer, she had left out. When Koi reached the sea and, plunging in, she swam along the bottom as far the palace, where the queen and all the fishes gathered together awaiting her. It had been a few months that Koi was gone and now they were skeptical more than anxious. Koi arrived and went right up to the Queen, and give her Crown, and placed it on her own head. At that very moment, her tail dropped away revealing a pair of the prettiest feet in the world. The maidens who were grouped around her shed their scales and became girls again.


When Koi reached her home, her parents jumped in the air with joy and hugged her tight. Koi explained to them all that had happened. Her parents were shocked but also delighted that their daughter was finally home.

Finn Bakery and Angel Nikolai Cookies Book Fairy Tales 2021

Finn Bakery and Angel Nikolai Cookies Book Fairy Tales 2021

Finn Bakery and Angel Nikolai Cookies Book Fairy Tales 2021

Once upon a time, in a little town called “Anapotamia”, lived a baker named Finn. He would bake cakes, pies, cookies and everyone in the town would visit his shop to buy his food. He was a very honest person and precise baker, who kept checking his scales and made sure that he gave his customers exactly what they paid for. People loved buying from Finn’s Bakery because everything was delicious and his precision made him a trustworthy seller. His bakery was always filled with people buying his food, especially on Angel Nikolai day! There would be a line of people waiting to get his delicious Angel Nikolai Cookies. The Gingerbread cookies, topped with a sugary red and white icing, looked just like Angel Nikolai, with a red and white hat and a long red cloak. The hypnotizing aroma, of the gingerbread cookies, spread throughout the town, drawing people to his bakery.

That Angel Nikolai day morning, as the doors to the bakery opened, people began to walk in to get their cookies. People from all over the town flocked to Finn’s bakery to pick up a batch of his famous Angel Nikolai cookies. But it was one particular customer, that would change Finn’s fate forever.

“Excuse me, Sir! Excuse me! Down here!” Kid said!

“Oh! Forgive me, Kid! I did not see you there! What can I get you?” Finn replied and asked!

“I would like a dozen of your Angel Nikolai cookies please!” Kid replied!

“Coming right up!” Finn replied!

Finn took the tray and picked up twelve cookies and placed them in the box. He packed up the box and handed it over to the little kid.

“Excuse me! I had asked for a dozen. But you gave me only twelve cookies!” Kid asked!

“Yes! Because a dozen means twelve!” Finn replied!

“But my mommy told me it is thirteen. Can you please give me one more?” Kid said!

“Sorry kid! I always give customers exactly what they pay for. Nothing more, nothing less!” Finn replied!

“But… But!!! Haaaa…” Kid crying!

“Hey! Don’t cry kiddo! It’s gonna be just fine. Why don’t you just give her one more?” Lady asked!

“Everyone knows, a dozen is twelve, so I gave her twelve!” Finn replied!

“Now I say a dozen is thirteen! Won’t you give the little kid one, just to make her happy?” Lady said and asked!

“No, I cannot!” Finn replied!

“Then Mr. Finn Baker, you may be an honest man, but your is small. You will fall, and you will mount and that is when you will learn how to count!” Lady said!

Saying this, she stormed out of the Bakery, followed by the little kid. From that day on, everything began to go wrong. The bread rose too much, and the pies he made were to sour. Soon, people noticed how bad his food had become and slowly stopped going to his shop. He went from one of the most successful bakers’ in the town to a shop that nobody went to. Finn went on with it for days, selling less and baking less. People rarely came to get food from his bakery now and at the end of the day, he would go home sad.

A year had passed, and it was days before the Angel Nikolai day when Finn found himself sitting in his bakery, all alone, with nobody to buy his precious Angel Nikolai cookies. That night, sad and dejected, he closed his shop, went home, and slept. He woke up with a start as the moonlight shone through the curtains and he sat there thinking.

“I have always been one to give my customers exactly what they pay for but why not more! It’s such a good feeling to give! It spreads so much joy!” Finn said!

On Angel Nikolai day, at the break of dawn, Finn went to the bakery and began to make the cookies, putting together all his ingredients, with a big grin on his face. He rolled up the gingerbread dough and cut up the pieces with mold, and soon they were baked. He spread the red and white icing over the cookies and made them look exactly like Angel Nikolai. He was very happy with the cookies which looked better than any that he had made before. Just as he was done, Lady (Evanora) walked in and went straight up to him.

“I would like a dozen Angel Nikolai cookies please!” Lady said!

“Here you go!” From now on, in my bakery, a dozen is thirteen!” Finn replied!

“You have learned to count well. You will surely be rewarded for your generosity!” Lady said!

Saying this, she thanked the baker and walked out of the door. And what she had foretold was indeed true, as the news that Finn counted thirteen as a dozen spread quickly, and people from all over the town rushed to get a dozen of his delicious cookies. And soon, he became so wealthy, that he decided to give food to the poor, every weekend for free, which drew more and more people from the town and around to buy food from his bakery. 

Thus learning that honesty and generosity are important to spread the spirit of joy in the world. 

The Carpenter and The Painter Book Fairy Tales 2021

The Carpenter and The Painter Book Fairy Tales 2021

The Carpenter and The Painter Book Fairy Tales 2021

Long, long ago there lived a King by the name of Genchog who ruled over a kingdom called "Slangog". The city had a painter and a carpenter, both of them the best in their arts not only in this kingdom but rather in twenty kingdoms around. But both of them simply could not stand each other. One day in the festival of the Arts both of them had displayed their own artifacts.

“This is all my wall carving Sire! And if it pleases Your Majesty, I should like to present it to you the Royal Palace!” Carpenter said!

“Why! This is exquisite my man! I shall have it put in the Royal library!” King Genchog replied!

The King next went to the Painter who unveiled his painting.

“Here it is my painting Your Highness!” Painter said!

“I have never seen more magic on canvas, my man!” King Genchog replied!

“If you like please Your Majesty, may I present it to you for the Royal Palace?” Painter asked!

“Certainly!” King Genchog replied!

The next day, the King had a discussion with the Royal Architect and then had the carpenter called to the court.

“Well, thank you for coming here!” King Genchog said!

“My pleasure You Highness!” Carpenter replied!

“Last night I had a dream in which the Spirits of Nature appeared to me and they made a demand from our kingdom!” King Genchog said!

“What kind of demand Sire!” Carpenter asked!

“They want me to build a Great Hall of Reverence for nature and have it ready before the Spring Equinox which is three months from today. I have spoken to the architect and the Hall can be constructed in that much time. Since you are the best carpenter in the city, I wanted you to make carved, wooden pillars and archways that will be then carried to the Hall to decorate it. If you begin today, will you be able to finish the work in three months?” King Genchog said!

“Yes! Certainly! It will be an honor, Your Highness!” Carpenter replied!

“Good! Then please retreat into the workshop today itself and start working on the pillars and archways!” King Genchog said!

“As you wish, Your Highness!” Carpenter replied!

Next, the King called the painter and told him the Hall of Reverence for Nature.

“I want you to make paintings on the walls and ceiling of the main hall!” King Genchog said!

“Yes! Certainly. It will be an honor, Your Highness!” Painter replied!

The carpenter worked hard in his workshop and the painter worked hard on the walls and ceiling of the main hall. On the appointed day, the King called all the noblemen of the Kingdom. The carpenter’s beautiful, exotic pillars and archways were first carried into the garden outside the Great Hall and left on display for everyone to look at and admire. The King took them to reached Main Hall, the noblemen and ladies were mesmerized by the beautiful masterpieces that adorned the walls and ceiling of the room. The King started asked noblemen and ladies!

“Do you think which one is better?” King Genchog asked!

“They are perfect as they are Your Highness!” Noblemen and Ladies replied!

“Well, let us see! Now, what do you think?” King Genchog asked!

“The effect of both of them together… we have no words!” Noblemen replied!

“What do both of you think of each other’s art from now?” King Genchog asked!

“I realize what you mean Your Highness!” Carpenter replied!

“I was so wrong in thinking that the carvings on the wood were a poorer art form!” Painter replied!

“And I was so wrong to think that paintings did not require any skills. I now see, that your beautiful paintings have given my pillars and archways a purpose!” Carpenter replied!

“And your pillars and archways have indeed made my paintings look so beautiful! My paintings look so much more beautiful when outlined by your masterpieces! Thank you so much!” Painter replied!

“You are a wonderful artist!” Carpenter said!

“You are a wonderful artist too! Painter replied!

“It was so unbecoming of you both master artists to engage in such petty rivalry with each other. Don’t you see when both your artforms come together, what magic you create? Far better than the beauty of your individual work!” King Genchog said!

“Your majesty! We are so sorry. And we are ashamed of how petty we have been!” Painter and Carpenter replied! 

From that day, the painter and carpenter admired each other’s work and respected became great friends. Just like them, instead of judging and demeaning those whose abilities are different from ours, if only we appreciated the good about each other and used that good to work together, we would be so much happier and the world would be so much more beautiful!

Violet and Prince Marcus Book Fairy Tales 2021

Violet and Prince Marcus Book Fairy Tales 2021

Violet and Prince Marcus

Once upon a time, in a faraway land, a man named Cola Aniello lived with his three daughters: Rose, Pink, and Violet. The three of them were very happy, but Violet was so beautiful that her very look was a syrup of love, which cured the hearts of beholders of all unhappiness. Even the young Prince Marcus was mesmerized by her beauty and having fallen in love with her, he made sure to pass by her house every day.

“Good day, Violet!” Prince Marcus said!

“Good day, Prince Marcus. Here’s a fun fact. I am smarter than you!” Violet replied!

“Why do you talk to him like that? He is our prince!” Rose asked!

“You’re an ill-bred creature and one day you’re going to annoy the Prince and get us all into trouble!” Pink said!

But Violet paid no heed to them and walked away happily. Two sisters, unhappy with her behaviour made a spiteful complaint of hers to their father.

“Father!! We have something to tell you!” Rose said!

“That silly little Violet thinks she is so pretty that she can even taunt the Royal Prince!” Pink said!

“What?!” Father asked!

“She’ll get us all in trouble with the King if she behaves so disrespectfully!” Rose replied!

Hearing this, Violet’s father immediately came to a decision to prevent any further mischief.

“You’re going to go to Aunt May’s and live with her till you’ve learnt how to behave properly!” Father said!

“Um… okay! La la la la!” Violet replied!

The next day, the Prince came by as usual.

“Hi! There! I… don’t see Violet today! Is she find?” Prince Marcus aked!

“Oh, she is absolutely fine! It’s just that father sent her to our Aunt May’s house.” Pink replied!

Prince Marcus nodded. He had decided in his mind that he would go to meet Violet at her Aunt May’s house and propose to her. Being the Prince that he is, it didn’t take him long to find Violet’s aunt’s house. He walked towards it, removed a ring from his pocket and smiled. He knocked on the door.

“Yes, who’s it – OH MY!” Aunt May asked!

“Hello, ma’am! I am…” Prince Marcus replied!

“Oh! Your Royal Highness! Who doesn’t know you! Please, come in. How can I help?” Aunt May asked!

“I have to tell Violet how I feel. Please if I can meet her once!” Prince Marcus replied!

“Oh, How wonderful! Violet is so lucky! Why don’t you go to the room downstairs and I’ll find a way to send her there as soon as she comes, Surprise her! All the best!” Aunt said!

“Aren’t you the best!” Prince Marcus replied!

Later on, when Violet returned, she realized that her aunt was being strangely dramatic.

“Hello, my darling! What took you so long! Are you alright! Oh, my sweet, sweet baby!” Aunt said!

“Umm… I am fine! But what is the matter with you?” Violet replied!

“Wha… Wha… what’s the matter with me? Emm… haha… I am just… Emm… you know what, it would be great if you could get the coconut powder from downstairs. My feet hurt!” Aunt May said!

Violet immediately realized that something was going on. She nodded. While walking down the stairs, Violet saw a shadow of the Prince on the wall. She recognized the shadow, and tiptoed carefully sown and hid behind the stairs. Violet, she has known everything and she walked away from the house go back to her house. The next day, Prince Marcus came by Violet’s house again. And she said to the Prince the same words as before. Two sisters angry her too much and make a plan to quit her for Ogress giant that’s just started living in the woods. Later that day, the two sly sisters decided to execute their plan.

“Violet!? Listen. We’re making father that soup he so loves. Pink will be helping me, so would you go into the woods and get those special herbs?” Rose asked!

Violet didn’t think anything of it and happily agreed. When she reached, she started searching for the herbs. Violet was met Orgress giant.

“Is this an earthquake-AAAHHH!!” Violet said!

“AAAAHHHH!! Ooh! Oh! You scared me!” Ogress giant said!

“Sacred You?? You almost scared me!” Violet replied!

“Hmm?? Well, what are you doing in my garden?” Ogress giant asked!

“I was talking about the herbs that grew here and didn’t know that this was your garden!” Violet replied!

“Well, I grew those herbs on my own. But if you’re going to take them then you must return the favour.” Ogress giant said!

“And what is that?” Violet asked!

“Well, I don’t get many visitors. And since I’ve come here, word has spread out and now no one dares visit the forest. So, would you mind staying with me for a day or two?” Ogress giant replied!

“Alright! I’ll stay with you. You seem to be nice and I’d like to be your friend.” Violet replied!

Violet stay with Orgress giant because she knew her sisters’ trick on her. And so Violet and the Orgress dined and chatted with each other quite happily. The next day, when the Prince visited, he found only the sisters.

“Uhmm… Is Violet in?” Prince Marcus asked!

“Oh, un… no. She isn’t!” Rose replied!

“Well, then where is she…?” Prince Marcus asked!

“We…we don’t know… she went out last night and… hasn’t returned.” Rose and Pink replied!

Rose and Pink were now feeling guilty for what they’d done and were extremely worried. Prince Marcus was devastated. As he was returning, he thought all about were Violet could be. And so, he searched the woods until he finally came to the Orgress’s home. Prince thinking about how to help her? He peeped into the window and saw the Orgress and Violet happily chatting with each other. So, realizing that Violet wasn’t in any danger, the prince decided to only play a trick on Violet. 

When night came, he slipped into the Orgress’s home and into Violet’s room. He pinched her on her arm and hid. She dusted the bed and then went back to sleep. The Prince pinched her again and this time she awoke and went to sleep on the chair nearby. The Prince went over and pinched her again. This went on for something and as dawn approached, the Prince left the place. 

During the day, a tired Violet was sitting on a rock near the forest road. The Prince past by on his horse and halted. They spoke as same as before and the Prince rode on laughing as Violet watched agape, understanding everything. She went back to the Orgress who stood there a pair of shoes.

“Violet dear! This is a gift for you. The shoes are magic and will take you wherever needed. Oh, and the bells are for decoration!” Ogress giant said!

Violet was pleased to receive the gift. She thanked the Orgress and left, wearing the shoes. By the shoe magic, she had arrived at her home and within seconds she was standing next to her sisters.

“Oh, dear! How could we do that to Violet? We have to find her!” Rose said!

“Well, turn around and you will!” Violet replied!

Her sisters were completely shocked at seeing her. They hugged and apologized profusely to her. Violet told about her stayed with Orgress giant. That night, she asked the shoes to take her to Prince Marcus’s room. When she appeared, she found him sleeping. She hid behind a huge cupboard and began stomping her feet loudly. The loud stomping and jingling of the bells awoke the Prince in terror. Violet repeated this for some time and then wished herself away.

Next morning, Prince Marus decided to walk to Violet’s house to greet her. Violet smiled when she saw him. Upon hearing this, the Prince soon realised that Violet had played her revenge on him and he was defeated. The Prince had Violet to marry him. Violet readily agreed and soon there was a pompous marriage. The Ogress giant attended it too and the although a bit hard at the beginning, she soon made plenty of friends. The sisters had learnt their lesson that even though Violet was a very tricky person, she was still good at heart. And that is all that is needed in a person. 

King Archidei and Beautiful Princess Helena Book Fairy Tales 2021

King Archidei and Beautiful Princess Helena Book Fairy Tales 2021

King Archidei and Beautiful Princess Helena

Once upon a time, there lived a King whose name was Archidei. He ruled his Kingdom with love, and his people were well cared for. They, in turn, praised him to no ends. You’d think that such a king would be happy, but not King Acrhidei. You see, his majesty was strong, intelligent, a great ruler.

“Gee, thanks for the compliments!” The King Said!

My pleasure, Sire!  But although possessing these great traits, he didn’t really have anyone to share his joys with. “And by that, I mean a queen”. He searched the lands for a woman befitting him, but none seemed to suit him well. 

On one such day, he saw a merchant ship at the Kingdom’s docks. He looked wistfully at it, perhaps wondering if the adventures they had sailed through. King Archidei watched the sailors soon came up with an idea.

“Sea merchants have been around the whole world. Maybe they’ll know about a woman I may find suitable.” King Archidei said!

So, King Archidei went over to the surprised merchants and put forth his question.

“A woman worthy of you, your highness?” Boss Merchant asked!

“What about Princess Helena, from the Kingdom in the far west. I have heard she is very much sought after for her beauty, not to mention she’s a magician’s daughter.” The Servant Merchant said!

“Why hasn’t she married anyone yet?” King Archidei aked!

“We have heard strange stories about how she slips away from people’s hands.” Boss Merchant replied!

“You mean to escape?” King Archidei aked?

“No, I actually mean “Slip Away” I don’t understand it either but that’s what we’ve heard.” The Servant Merchant replied!

“I’ve decided to pursue Princess Helena.” King Archidei said!

“Wait, to travel from your kingdom to her, it’ll take you ten years.” The Servant Merchant said!

“WHAT??” King Archidei aked!

“And to travel back another ten years.” Boss Merchant said!

No kidding. At this news, King Archidei his heart sank. What a terrible pickle to be in. He rewarded the merchants and galloped back towards his palace, think deeply. Completely lost in thought, he didn’t see where he was headed. He had reached a field where wheat had been cultivated. How magnificently golden field looked, King Archidei looked around and he spotted four men working in the golden field. When they saw him coming towards them, they hurriedly got to their feet.

“To whom does this field belong?” King Archidei asked!

“It belongs to us, your grace. We brothers belong to a humble peasant family. We plow and till the soil, at the same time maintaining our own individual traits.” The Farmer replied!

“I want everyone to help me to find Princess Helena!” King Archidei said!

“Yes, we will agree your majesty!” The Farmer replied!

The next morning, the three brothers set to work. The King had asked for various materials to be brought for them. From the finest of the stone to the strongest of metal. Edmon farmer had already started building his tower and in three days, it was completed. Astounded at the tower, he called Edmon and went to find Kostya.

“I saw your brother (Kostya) building a boat of a very peculiar shape.” King Archidei said!

“Well, the boats he builds are unlike the ones we normally see. That’s what makes them so special.” Edmon replied!

And truly, when they reached the dock, there was the boat that Kostya had finished building. It was definitely a peculiar shape and one might have even laughed at it, but not the King.

“Your highness, I have finished the boat!” Kostya said!

“Good. Come, let us get your third sibling.” King Archidei replied!

They walked to the King’s own workhouse and saw Demian (Third brother) wielding a very interesting looking tool. It looked like a gun that could shoot out nets.

“Edmon, would you be able to see Princess Helena from your tower?” King Archidei asked!

“Ah, I’ve already seen her. When I was about to climb down, I scanned the eastern of the world and saw Princess Helena. She is very beautiful but is guarded heavily from all around.” Edmon replied!

“Well, that’s going to be tough!” King Archidei said!

“Her father is strict and won’t allow people to easily enter his Palace!” Edmon said!

“You had said ten years to reach there. If it’s my boat, then it should be just a week’s time.” Kostya said!

“Well, that’s one good news. And what about you Demian?” King Archidei asked!

“I can easily protect us from any harm with my machine your majesty!” Demian replied!

“Excellent!! But the only problem is…” King Archidei said!

“The Guards! Your Majesty, remember I had told you that I can charm almost anyone? I will surely get us into the palace with ease.” Orel replied!

So, the next day, they all sailed to the Eastern Kingdom. True to Kostya’s word, they reached there in exactly a week’s time. The King Archidei met the princess Helena they are were lived together and happiness ever in life.

Princess And The Frog Prince Book Fairy Tales 2021

Princess And The Frog Prince Book Fairy Tales 2021

Princess And The Frog Prince Book Fairy Tales 2021

Long, long, ago there lived a beautiful princess. She was very proud of her beautiful looks. And she only liked having beautiful things around her.

“Oh, I must only have beautiful birds in my garden. I wish the crows would go away from here. They are so ugly.” Princess said! 

One morning, the princess’s father gave her a beautiful golden ball. 

“This ball is for you, my princess. I know you like a beautiful thing. But you must remember, to look for beauty in other things too.” King said!

“Thank you, Daddy!” Princess replied! 

The princess liked strolling in the beautiful garden behind her palace every morning. And this morning she took the golden ball with her. She began tossing the ball high up in the air and catching it before it fell to the ground. But she was careless and on one of the throws. Oops! The princess dropped the golden ball. The ball fell to the ground and bounced off into a pond. The princess was very disappointed. She was sure that she would never see the golden ball again. 

“Huh! Oh no! I’ve lost my beautiful new golden ball. I’ll never have another same it again. I wish there was someone who could help me get it back.” Princess said! 

To the princess’s surprise, a frog sitting on a lily pad hopped up to her and spoke. 

“Croak! Good morning, princess! I see you have lost your ball. I can get it back for you. But you must promise to give me something in return.” The Frog Prince said!

“Huh?” Princess replied! 

The princess thought the frog was very ugly. She wanted to turn around and run away the moment she saw him. But she really wanted her golden ball back. And so, she spoke to him. 

“I promise I’ll give you all the gold and silver I have if you get my ball back!” Princess said! 

The frog laughed at the princess’s offer. He didn’t want gold or silver. 

“No, Princess. I don’t want gold or silver. I want something else.” The Frog Prince replied!  

The princess was very curious to know what the frog wanted. 

“What do you want, frog?” Princess asked!

“I want to eat dinner from your plate, dance with you, and sleep in your room.” The Frog Prince replied!

The princess didn’t like the frog or his ideas. But the palace was quite far away from the pond. And the princess was sure that he would never find his way there. And so, she agreed. 

“Okay, frog. I promise that I’ll share my dinner with you. And that I’ll dance with you. And that I’ll let you sleep in my room.” Princess replied!

“And I promise I’ll get your ball!” The Frog Prince replied! 

After that, the frog has leaped into the water. He went deep down to the pond’s bed and found the golden ball. 

“Here’s your ball, Princess! I kept my promise. And now you must keep yours too.” The Frog Prince said!

“Huh?” Princess replied! 

The princess hurried back to the palace with the golden ball. Soon she forgot all about the frog. For she was sure, that she would never see him again. But that evening, just as the princess sat to eat her dinner, there was a knock on the door. It was the frog. He hopped into the palace and sat right next to the princess. 

“Hello, Princess! I’m here!” The Frog Prince said!

“Huh?” Princess replied!


The king was very surprised to see the frog. 

“Who is this frog, princess? Do you know him? What is he doing here?” The King asked!

The princess told the king all about the frog. 

“Ah! This frog helped me find my golden ball this morning, daddy. And I promised him that I’d let him eat from my plate. I also promised to dance with him, and let him sleep in my room.” Princess replied!

The king believed in keeping promises. And he wanted the princess to keep hers too. 

“A promise is a promise, my little princess. And you must keep one if you’ve made one. Especially when someone has been helped you to do something for you. Come on now, keep your promise. Share your dinner with the frog.” The King said!

And so, the princess kept her promise and let the frog eat from her plate. The frog then asked the princess to dance with him. 

“Princess, can we dance now?” The Frog Prince asked!

The princess kept her promise and danced with the frog even though she wasn’t one bit happy. Later that night, the frog went to sleep in the princess’s bedroom. 

“Good night, princess! Sweet dreams!” The Frog Prince said!

The princess kept her promise and allowed the frog to sleep in her room even though she was not happy about it. The next morning, when the princess woke up, she didn’t see the frog anywhere. 

“Thank goodness! The frog is gone!” Princess said!

But to the princess’s surprise, there was a handsome young prince in her room. 

“Good morning, princess! Remember me? I’m the frog that you met yesterday!” The Frog Prince said!

“Uhh! You’re the frog?” Princess asked!

“Yes, princess. I’m actually a prince. But an evil witch cast a spell on me and turned me into a frog. She said I would only turn back into a prince if a beautiful princess let me eat from her plate, dance with her, and let me sleep in her room. And since you did all that, you broke the spell.” The Frog Prince replied!

“Then I did?” Princess asked!

“Yes!” The Frog Prince replied!

The princess was very happy that she kept her promise. Soon, she and the prince became very good friends. They even got married. And the prince showed the princess how to look for beauty in everything.

Cinderella and the Prince Book Fairy Tales 2021

Cinderella and the Prince Book Fairy Tales 2021

Cinderella and the Prince

Once upon a time, has a man lived a very wealthy. He had a sweet and kind-hearted daughter. Since the man's wife had died, he married again, hoping his new wife would be a good mother to his daughter. But the man's new wife turned out to be a mean and selfish woman. And she had two daughters who were just like her.

They were all so rude and mean that the man grew very unhappy and went to work far away. And the man he left leaving his daughter with her stepmother and stepsisters.

The poor Cinderella was loving and kind to her stepmother and stepsisters every day. But they would very mean to her and turned her into a servant. They even changed her name to Cinderella since her face grew dusty from the cinders that she would clean in the fireplace.


“Haha! Your face is always full of Cinders! We will call you Cinderella! Cinderella! Hahahaha!” two stepsisters said!


One day, as a man came to the house he is a royal messenger. 

“The king and queen have invited all the young ladies who live here to a ball tomorrow evening. Their son, the prince, will dance with all the young ladies and choose a bride.” The Massager talks!

The invitation made everyone very happy.

“I can't wait to dance with the prince!” Big stepsister said!

“I hope he chooses me as his bride!” Lower stepsister replied! 

“I will make sure that my daughters are the best dressed amongst all the young ladies at the ball.” The Mother replied!

On the day of the ball, Cinderella's stepmother bought the best clothes and shoes for her two daughters. But she didn't get anything for Cinderella.

“Mother, I'd like something new to wear to the ball too. I don't have anything other than these clothes.” Cinderella said!

“Cinderella, these clothes are just right for you because you're a servant girl. And as you know servant girls shouldn't dance with princes or come to balls.” The Mother replied!

“Hahahahaha!” Two stepsisters laugh to Cinderella!

Poor Cinderella! She sat at home and cried while everyone else went to the ball. Suddenly, a beautiful fairy appeared in front of her and said to her.

“Hello, Cinderella!” Fairy said!

“Hello! Who are you?” Cinderella replied!

“I'm your fairy godmother. Would you like to go to the ball?” Fairy said!

“Huh? I'd like to but I can't. I don't have nice clothes to wear, or a carriage to travel in, you see.” Cinderella replied!

“You will have everything you need to go to the ball as soon as I wave my wand!” Fairy replied! 

And Cinderella's old clothes turned into a shimmering evening gown. Her slippers turned into delicate glass slippers. The fairy godmother and Cinderella go to the garden near the house. She waved her wand again and turned a pumpkin into a shining golden carriage. The fairy godmother also turned the mice playing in the garden into horses, a rat into a coachman, and a lizard into a smart footman. 

“I can go to the ball now. Thank you, fairy godmother.” Cinderella said! 

“Enjoy yourself, Cinderella! But be sure to return by midnight. As my magic will disappear after that. And the beautiful dress that you are wearing, the coachman, the footman, and the horses will all turn back into what they were before.” Fairy replied!

“I will be back by midnight, fairy godmother. Goodbye.” Cinderella replied!

So, Cinderella left for the ball. When she entered the palace everyone turned to look at her because she looked so beautiful. And the prince was so charmed by her that he only wanted to dance with her.


“May I please dance with you?” Prince said!

“Huh? Yes!” Cinderella replied!


No one recognized Cinderella and she felt very happy dancing with the prince. The prince felt that she was the kindest, most beautiful young woman he had ever met.


“Who is that girl? The prince only wants to dance with her. I have never seen her before, she must be a princess or someone very wealthy.” Partier talks!

Time flew by as Cinderella danced with the prince. And in no time, it grew close to midnight.

“I'm sorry, Prince. But it's time for me to leave now.” Cinderella said! 

“Wait! Please tell me your name and where you live? So, we can meet again.” Prince asked!


Cinderella reached her house just as the clock struck midnight. And right after that, the magic disappeared. Only the glass slipper on Cinderella's foot remained unchanged. 

The very next day, the royal messenger came to the house with the prince. 

“Oh, it's the prince!” Big stepsister said!

“He must be wanting to marry me!” The lower sister replied! 

“No! Me!” Big sister replied back! 

The messenger was carrying the glass slipper that had fallen off Cinderella's foot. 

“We are looking for the owner of this slipper. The prince will marry whoever this slipper fits.” The Massager talks!  

“This slipper is mine! It's too big for my foot!” Big sister said! 

“Uhhhh! It’s too small for my foot!” The lower sister said!


The prince saw Cinderella standing at the corner. And though she looked very different from the way she had looked at the ball, he walked right up to her. 

“Please, would you try this slipper on?” Prince asked!

Cinderella tries on the slipper and fits her foot.

“You are the one who I danced with last night! You are my princess!” Prince said! 

“Yes, she is!” Fairy said! 

Cinderella and the prince had a grand wedding. They invited everyone to the celebrations and left no one out. Cinderella even invited her stepsisters and stepmother who decided to be as kind and loving as Cinderella. Then, Cinderella and the Prince lived happily ever after.

 The Purple Jar Book Fairy Tales 2021

The Purple Jar Book Fairy Tales 2021

The Purple Jar Book Fairy Tales 2021

Once upon a time, in the busy city of London, there was a little girl named Rosamond. She loved all things pretty and never cared to think about her rash decisions. One day, while she was out shopping with her mother, she marveled at all the lovely things being sold in the windows.

Rosamond:     Oh mother! I wish I could buy a very pretty thing! Wouldn’t that be nice?

Mother:             Hmm? Yes, it would be very… WHAT? Oh! No. What would you do with all of it?

Rosamond:     Oh! I’d think of that later.

"Rosamond’s mother shook her head and as they continued, they came to a Milliner’s shop where Rosamond stared at all the long ribbons that hung, the bright and colorful hats, and the beautiful flowers displayed at the window."

Rosamond:     Oooh! Mother! Isn’t it all so pretty? You should buy them.

Mother:            “Them”? What would I do with all of them?

Rosamond:     Oh, I’m sure we would find a use for it.

Mother:             “Rosamond” I’d rather know the use before buying it. Well, let’s move on.

"Rosamond sulked as they went by the Milliner’s shop. Walking, they soon reached the Jewelers shop. There, she looked with awe at all the sparkly necklaces and trinkets that were laid out."

Rosamond:     Mother! Look! Aren’t they just… just lovely?

Mother:             Yes, they are.

Rosamond:     I love all of them! Can we buy it? Can we?

Mother:             Hahaha but Rosamond, we already have enough jewelry and I don’t feel we should buy more.

Rosamond:     But mother! The colors are so beautiful! And it packs up! Isn’t that enough reason to buy it?

Mother:             Do you really feel that way? Well, then I must disagree with you darling. Now, we must get our groceries.

"And so, Rosamond was dragged away from the shop and grumpily followed her mother into a Chemist store. There, she saw many bottles of different shapes, sizes, and glistening colors. But her eyes fell on a single purple jar."

Rosamond:     Mother! Mother! Doesn’t that jar look super pretty?!

Mother:             Hmm?

Rosamond:     Can I have it?

Mother:             What would you do with it?

Rosamond:     I’ll use it to put flowers in. That’ll look nice.

Mother:             But you already have enough flower pots. Come on, let’s go.

"But even as they walked out, Rosamond’s mind was still on the purple jar."

Rosamond:     Mother! I don’t think you have any money.

Mother:     Hahaha! Oh, I have money sweetheart.

Rosamond:     Well then, I don’t understand you. If I had money, I’d buy all the ribbons and jars and trinkets I would find.

Mother:             Is that so…? Well, I don’t think you should buy just anything. Otherwise, we wouldn’t have any money and only pretty things in our life.

Rosamond:     Wow! That would be amazing!!

Mother:             You know? I think that if you checked that Jar more carefully, you wouldn’t like it very much.

Rosamond:     Oh, I’d definitely like it. Pretty things don’t need to be checked you see?

"Just as they were walking, Rosamond felt something hurting her foot."

Rosamond:     Oh! Mother wait… there’s something in my shoe!

"She removed it, only to find a huge hole."

Rosamond:     Oh no! And these were my best shoes! How could this have happened?

Mother:     Why did you wear them?

Rosamond:     Because they look so pretty! But now they’re ruined and I’ll need more shoes.

"So, the two went to find the Cobblers shop. Poor Rosamond had to walk very carefully, lest she hurt her foot on anything sharp. Soon, they entered the Cobblers shop."

Owner Shop:    Hello there! Two beautiful pairs of shoes for two lovely ladies?

Mother:             Oh, just a pair for my young one.

Owner Shop:    That’ll be easy! See that pair over there? They’ll fit her perfectly.

A buyer:     Excuse me!

Owner Shop:    Ah! Excuse me for a minute.

Mother:             Well? Don’t you think this shop is pretty as well?

Rosamond:     I don’t! The shoes are all bland and dull and… it smells terrible in here. OOHH!

Mother:             Well, that’s the smell of new leather. You’ll have to see whether that pair will fit you.

Rosamond:     It looks just about my size.

Mother:             You can’t be sure until you try them. The same way you won’t know if you like the jar until examining it properly.

Rosamond:     I won’t have to check that! I know I’ll like it. Can you buy me both the shoes and the jar mother?

Mother:             Well, I don’t have the money to buy both of them. You’ll have to choose only one. Why don’t you decide for yourself? It that way, you will be responsible for your own actions.

"So, Mother left Rosamond to ponder about the jar and shoes while she went to talk to the Cobbler. Rosamond looked disdainfully at the shoes, but as she thought about the sparkly jar, she immediately Brightened up. When her mother returned, she spoke without any hesitation."

Rosamond:     Mother! I’ve decided on the Purple Jar. The shoes aren’t so bad. I’m sure they can last a month.

Mother:             Oh! very well then, but you must promise me that, until a month passes, you won’t ask for any shoes.

"Rosamond nodded and happily skipped out of the cobbler’s shop, which was very foolish as her foot soon started to hurt. And so, at the Chemist’s, Rosamond smiled gleefully as she was handed the bright purple jar. As they walked back home, she hugged the bottle tightly. But walking wasn’t easy as every now and then, a stone would find its way into the shoe."

Rosamond:        Oh! Mother my foot hurts!

Mother:               It was your choice remember? Do you want to give the bottle back?

Rosamond:       What? No!! I can walk find. It doesn’t hurt that bad.

"And so, she continued to limp until they reached home. She looks off her shoe only to find it completely ruined."

Rosamond:         Well… I can just use my normal shoes. Now for this beauty.

"Rosamond picked some pretty flowers they had bought and went to put them into the jar. But as she opened it, a horrible stench came out."

Rosamond:           EEWWW!! What is this?

Mother:                   What’s wrong darling?

Rosamond:           Mother! This jar contains some stinky liquid. I need to put the flowers in it.

Mother:                   Well then, why don’t you fill it with water? You’ll have to throw that other liquid out.

"She went to the sink and poured all the dark liquid out of the jar."

Rosamond:             Oh No! It’s just a normal glass jar!

"Indeed, it was. The purple liquid inside had been what had made the jar so attractive and now little Rosamond was completely heartbroken."

Rosamond:             Oh mother, what do I do? I don’t want this jar anymore!

Mother:                     Why not? You can still put the flowers in it.

Rosamond:             No! I wanted the jar only because it was purple.

Mother:                     Well, I told you to check it more carefully. If you had, then maybe you would’ve bought the shoes instead.

Rosamond:             Shoes!! Mother, if I give you back the jar, then can you buy the shoes for me?

Mother:                     I’m sorry my dear. But as I said, no shoes until the month ends. You’ll have to do without them.

"Rosamond wasn’t happy but she stuck to her promise and didn’t grumble. That is, until the next day when her father surprised them."

Father:                     My dear, we have been invited to a dance this evening in the next town.

Mother:                     My dear! We will have such a great time won’t we children?

Rosamond:             Wow! A dance!

"And so, when evening came and everyone got ready, Rosamond went to find her shoes."

Rosamond:             Oh dear, the only good shoes I have been ruined. Maybe the father won’t see them and he’ll let me come.

"But as they were all leaving, her father caught sight of them."

Father:                     Rosamond! What are you wearing? Those shoes are disgraceful! Change them at once!

Rosamond:             But… but father! I d-don’t have any other shoes.

Father:                     Well, then you cannot come to the dance wearing those. You’ll have to stay at home tonight.

"Poor Rosamond begged her father to take her, but he was a stern man and, in the end, they left without her."

Rosamond:             Oh! What have I done! If only I’d been smarter and more careful with my choices!

"The next day, Rosamond was thoroughly sad and gloomy."

Mother:                     What’s wrong Rosamond?

Rosamond:             Oh! Mother, today is Alice’s birthday and I can’t even attend the party. I made such a silly decision. But in the end, it was my own fault.

Mother:                     I’m glad that you’ve realized your fault. And it is a very brave thing to do too. So… as a reward, here.

"Mother gave Rosamond to open the box she was carrying and in it, she saw a lovely little pair of shoes, just for her."

Rosamond:             Oh! Mother! These are simply beautiful! But… what about my promise to you?

Mother:                     Well dear, you made that promise. I never promised you anything.

"And so, little Rosamond had learned a very important lesson. One must never want something, just because it is pretty. As you may either be very happy with it, or extremely disappointed. So always choose well."